

Responses from homosapien

Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
Even close. 
Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
OK, I'll try.It's like wall of sound right in front of you, like singer sings right to your face (I exaggerate of course).Especially clear I feel it with women vocal - Sarah Vaughan, Patricia Barber...Thank you.Boris. 
Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
Ryder, no offense, but where did you find word "bright" in my post? I described my system as "a little bit forward" sounding, but it is never bright. To me it is completely different characteristics of the sound.And I am using Gold Eclipse and Ecl... 
Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
My question is not how to fix "forward" sound, it is just a tendency, not a problem. I just want better cables than my mediocre Wireworld, and do not want them to make it a real problem. So, as Rgs92 suggested I might want to exclude Valhalla IC f... 
Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
I do not use stock tubes - Pope gives me a great, great improvement, but most signification result I got when replaced rectifier tube with metal base Philips Miniwatt, it was not just improvement, but brought my SLP-05 to the next level up.I am no... 
OPPO 980 h dvd mod?
I have to admit that I was wrong about OPPO 980 - you just can not connect it directly to amp. I got Integra 9.8 for MH, and OPPO sounds great!For 2 ch audio I loan tube preamp Cary SLP-03 from a dealer, and could not stop listening - it was a gre... 
Pream for EAD PM1000
Nobody is using EAD amplifiers for 2 ch audio? 
OPPO 980 h dvd mod?
I just got OPPO 980 h and connect it directly to my EAD PM1000.And I am very dissapinted - OPPO sounds very detailed but harsh and forward. My speakers are Proak 1.5, interconnets - Wireworld Eclipse, and speaker cable - Wireworld Equinox.- Would ... 
REL subs--Strata III or Storm III ??
I had the same dilemma and had a chance to compare StormIII with StrataIII A to B - big difference, to be short with Storm sound is much more natural. I ended up with Stormand vary happy with it. 
the best use Subwoofer for under 1500
Before New-York show I would say that REL Storm III is the best (have it for an year and very happy). But after listenning great sound in Von Schveikert room I would like to learn more about his sub more. 
Best HDCD Jazz CDs
Second for Take Five. 
What do you know about the Pro-Ac Subwoofer?????
It seems you are going the way I already went thru.I have Proac 1.5 as mains, Tablett as rears and CC1 center and also thought about Proac sub. I tried to reserch but could not find any review so decided to go with REL Storm - very happy since. I ... 
What's up with HDCD?
How do you know if a disk is HDCD when you buy?Does it have to have "HDCD" mark on it or on the cover? 
Art tatum/Ben webster
I have XRCD version and it is one of my favorite CD.Absolutly agree with Jond about "Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson" and also I'd recomend "Coleman Hawkins encounters Ben Webster" - another great sounding Verve Master edition.Happy listening! 
Does anyone own a Shunyata Hydra?
I had PP300 for almost an year and never was satisfied trying all possible setting. Now I have Sound Application CF-X and very happy with it - I have gotten the sound I always was looking for.