
Responses from hombre

Talk but not walk?
After wasting a couple hours reading through this entire thread I can confidently state that never before have I seen so many words devoted to so little substance. 
Bought a pair of Magnepan LRS. Should I buy a Schiit Vidar or Bryston 3B-ST?
I’ve been driving the LRS with a Vidar amp for a few months now and the amp has been excellent. If I really crank the volume the amp may go into protection mode but I have no desire for extreme volume. That’s not what maggies are for. As for sound... 
Speaker cable arrows???
hooo boy.  
Speaker cable arrows???
I think what it all comes down to is this ;  what is the difference between hearing a difference and imagining that you hear a difference?  This is the essential problem with audiophiles. They don't understand that there is a difference between th... 
Speaker cable arrows???
when I bought my B&W powered subwoofer I paid extra for the special audiot ( or is that audiophool) nano-ceramic cross-linking polymer subwoofer signal cable with which to connect the preamp output to the line level input on the sub. And I'm p... 
Will Subwoofer Help?
for some real interesting reading on wikipedia type a search for "Dyatlov Pass incident" and read the article. 
Will Subwoofer Help?
Probably the reason some stuff sounds bloated and boomy on the bottom end is the source material. Nothing to do with your system. The best system cannot make poor source material sound good. This is one reason why audiophiles waste a lot of money.... 
Will Subwoofer Help?
powered subs do take over the heavy lifting from the amp and speakers but in your case I don’t think you need one. From your description of your regular speakers I’m thinking they have good response down to 20 hz. You probably don’t need a sub and... 
... sound batting and/or weighting speakers ...
I have maggie LRS speakers. Very low mass and lightweight. No box. Ribbon drivers. They don’t vibrate at all so I’m thinking the vibration spoken of here is an inherent feature of dynamic drivers in wooden boxes. My previous speakers were Polk Rti... 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
"pseudo skepticism" ? huh??? skepticism that isn’t true skepticism? fake skepticism?  huh???sex is a lot like pizza. even when it isn’t very good it’s still pretty good. 
Decent preamp
I agree with millercarbon that a good integrated is better value than separates for music but in my case I needed an AVR for movies, streaming,TV, bluray, etc. So I got a yammy aventage AVR and a schiit vidar amp driving maggie LRS speakers. This ... 
How important is Amplifier Continuous Power matching with Speakers nowadays?
You don't have to worry that an amp is too powerful for your speakers. That's not a problem. It's a problem if an amp isn't powerful enough for the speakers because then it will clip and that's what destroys speakers. An underpowered amp. 
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
Stupid nonsense.   All of this. But then that's what audiophiles specialise in. Or at least some of them. Not all. But those who don't aren't here. Except for me. I love arguments about things that don't exist in any objective sense. Like religion... 
why the limited number of Stereophile recommended components in the A and B class ?
Stereophile likes to review amps that cost 5 figures. And then the reviewer describes the sound quality with all these preposterous superlatives and imaginative(and silly) subjective descriptions of sound quality. I quit reading them a couple year... 
Happy Scale
Just when on SAE website and all their new amps look like pro amps. Real industrial looking. Like Crown. But the THD is rated 0.05% so they must be pretty good. Awesome power. over a thousand wpc. And capable of driving 2 ohm speakers. Guess you w...