
Responses from hockey4496

Bent stylus or normal? ~5-10 degrees off horizontal when looking directly from the front
Man, really? That sucks 
Bent stylus or normal? ~5-10 degrees off horizontal when looking directly from the front
Just read Yogiboys suggestion on a different thread suggesting swapping the left/right channel tubes. Gave that a shot, no change unfortunately. should I swap the left and right channel on the actual cartridge to see if that does anything, or are ... 
1 pair of good interconnects- which 2 components should I use them on?
Haha I couldn't agree more, and when I'm out of school and not on such a tight budget I will absolutely invest in better interconnects. But for the time being (another couple of years) I'll have to live with what I've got... 
Bent stylus or normal? ~5-10 degrees off horizontal when looking directly from the front
Cantilever is the part I was trying describe (the metal thing extending out from the cartridge that holds the stylus, clearly I'm still learning haha).Anyways, it looks like the 'cantilever', which rests in a V shape grove exiting the cartridge ho... 
Is this a bad idea? Replacing integrated RCA cables on turntable with RCA female jacks
Thanks for your input, that's helpful. In terms of modifying it to use a DIN connector, would you say that's worth while on a table like this? If so what would be baseline cost doing something like that myself?I'm looking for another table now, bu... 
Replacing integrated RCA cable with RCA female jacks? Turntable
I moved this discussion to "tech talk" if moderators need to remove this thread in Analog please do so 
Newb question regarding alignment - Should the stylus Physically touch the protractor?
Lewm is correct, that is how I performed the alignment. With the power on and tone arm still locked off to the side I pushed play, that way the little shelf the tone arm usually rest on prior to pushing "play" would lower, and remain lowered by po... 
Thorens TD 125 MK II with TP 16 tonearm - What's it worth?
thanks Tim, that's some helpful advice! 
Picked up 2 albums from B&N the other day and 2/4 LP's had several small (pin head size) circular dents/impressions. Would have never expected that considering the packaging looked fine. They'll be going back tomorrow. 
Replacing integrated RCA cable with RCA female jacks? Turntable
Any thoughts? Would this thread me better suited for the "cables" section? 
Is it okay to run Cambridge Audio Phono stage to Tube Preamp that is line in only?
Great, I wasn't sure if it was intended to run straight to an amp, and if running the Cambridge outputs to run to another preamp (Cary) could damage the that 2nd preamp....good to hear that's not the case!just out of curiousity was my assumption c... 
Thorens TD 125 MK II with TP 16 tonearm - What's it worth?
So a trade isn't going to work out, if I can get it for $400 cash is that a good deal or just average? I'll need to start selling stuff to even attempt to afford $400  
Thorens TD 125 MK II with TP 16 tonearm - What's it worth?
Thanks yogi, but unfortunately if I get something it has to be from a trade. I'm living on student loans, so don't have any cash in the budget... 
Thorens TD 125 MK II with TP 16 tonearm - What's it worth?
Thanks yogi! Is $450 a good price you think? 
Would a Technics SL-1200 MK2 be an upgrade from a Denon DP-31L?
Thanks Tim for the feedback, good to hear too regarding the weight. I'll check out the butyl tape as well. Are you saying to put it directly on the metal platter and then the rubber mat on top of the butyl tape?