
Responses from hockey

Opinions on why this system is uninvolving
I heard the Revels at Ambrosia in Beverly Hills sourced by a Meridian CD player with Rowland amp and had the exact same feeling, "uninvolving". Also I'd add "sterile", "cold" and "clinical" to the description. I was with two other people that felt... 
Music industry troubles caused by radio?
As with most posts here all of you bring up great points but in the end the blame has got to come down to the record industry itself. There may be other things that affect their sales but inevitably it comes down to to their lack of response to th... 
Bright room, help
I had a similar problem with the exact room type and furniture. I also thought I needed to deaden the room and reduce echo. But then I replaced my $2500 "mid-fi" amp with a BAT VK-6200 and suddenly the "bright" room sounded sonically neutral. No e... 
5.1 or 7.1 for 14' x 17' room ?
Your room physically is almost exactly as mine is and I use a 5.1 set up that more than fills the room. In addition I have french doors and no window treatments. The problem I'm dealing with is the room itself. I have found that the hardwood floor... 
Best Concert DVD
I apologize if someone already mentioned it but how about "Eagles - Hell Freezes over". I actually get chills when they do "The Last Resort" - it sounds that good. 
Solidstate substitute for Bat Vk75se?
I've been looking for a solid state amp that has the smoothness of a tube yet still retains the detail, speed and bass that some of the better SS amps. In order I like the Gamut D200, then significantly back the Plinius 250 mk III, followed by the... 
New vs Used CD Player
I (and others I've talked to) feel that nothing has improved as dramatically as digital gear in the last few years. Newer generation players sound much better than those of just a few years ago. Speakers are slightly better - some designs that are... 
Lexicon MC-1 vs. Classe SSP 30
I have had the DC1 and currently have the SSP25 and between the two the Classe sounded much better and was a whole lot easier to use. I wouldn't assume that either of their updated versions (MC1 vs SSP30) could make the sound difference any closer... 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
I really don't mean to nitpick but isn't the keyword here "American". Sorry Ben I'll try not to double post this time - must be that my ears are ringing and my equilibrium is off from attending those rock concerts by boys who were born on "my side... 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
Best rock show I've ever seen - few who've seen them live would disagree and isn't the live performance what makes the band rather than their studio creations? Nearly thirty years since they started, very little turnover and even better thean ever... 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
Best rock show I've ever seen - few who've seen them live would disagree and isn't the live performance what makes the band rather than their studio creations? Nearly thirty years since they started, very little turnover and even better thean ever... 
Looking for 5.1 processor and 5 channel amp
Obviously you need to go find these components and audition them for yourself. We all have our own individual tastes but at this performance level it'll be hard to make a "bad" choice. I have owned Bryston stuff for 20 years and now have a Classe ... 
Can classe HT amps do music well?
I'll second that. I used to use a Bryston 0.5B and my Classe SSP-25 is much much smoother - I love it. 
What is causing the hum?
Well Steve - that's what I call a great response! Technically I could of helped out but never could I have responded so clearly and completely. Thank you. 
What's better than HT Platinum Digital cable?
I'm curious why anyone would spend several hundred dollars on a "high quality digital cable". As an electrical engineer I question the merits here. The beauty of a digital interface is, like your computer, that the signals are logic "1" or "0", no...