
Responses from highend666

Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
I wonder if the new Yamaha a-s3200 would be the best match for these speakers ?.. .. 
Best speakers 5k 10 k
 New Larsen 8 speakers ?.. 
Yamaha NS 5000
Only 10 more days until we see the first review on the new Yamaha ns-3000 speakers! 
Onkyo D-TK10 Acoustic Voicing Technology Speakers ?..
Kiso Acoustic is Onkyo sister company and the Kiso Acoustic HB-N1’s is their newest modelHere’s some feedback! https://www.soundstageaustralia.com/index.php/features/231-tokyo-international-audio-show-2018-part-2 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
Is the Giant Killer Belles Virtuoso amp on the market yet ?.. 
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's
Can you get Carbon speaker Drivers with this new Model 2ce signature III 's ?.  I would buy a pair right now if I could get Carbon speaker Drivers with these new speakers!. 
Build or buy, speaker options
Used Graham Audio speakers if you can find any.. 
Bose 901's with "highend ancillaries"??
I heard that Bose is working on new speakers to replace their 901's. 
Diminishing Returns
KLH is coming out with a new Model 5 soon 
New Yamaha A-S3200 Integrated Amp ?.
No connection with these companies. 
Upgrading Kef R100 crossovers
Danny at GR Research is one of the best and their all new copper caps are said to be the New Holy Grail of Caps! 
Harbeth vs Graham audio
I can't wait to listen to the all new Graham Audio LS5/5's!  They say these speakers are by far the best they have ever made yet.. 
Harbeth vs Graham audio
From all the speakers have have heard I think Graham Audio speakers have the best tone! I think getting the "right tone" is the most important thing with any speakers!  I've heard the Graham LS5/9's and Graham LS5/8's and I think they sound better... 
Diminishing Returns
What ever sounds best for you is the 'Diminishing Returns 
Diminishing Returns
Graham Audio LS5/5's look good