
Responses from hifinut604

Resolution Audio Vs. Wadia
J_k, it's a pity you weren't there to defend me when I started a thread called "Linn vs. Wadia" where I was in a cyber room full of Wadia lovers who all told me the Wadia was much superior to the Linn Ikemi. I personally think the Linn Ikemi is on... 
Resolution Audio Vs. Wadia
I haven't heard the Resolution Audio CD50 or 55 yet though the Wadia 860x is one of the best I've heard, but methinks your comparison isn't exactly fair, since the Wadia retails for more than TWICE a brand new CD55 and FOUR TIMES a used CD50. A cl... 
Will the HDCD format survive
I think HDCDs are already becoming obsolete because recent non-HDCDs are mostly well recorded, and much better than the recordings of even a few years old. I own an HDCD player, and though I can still tell the difference between HDCD and non-HDCD ... 
How good is the Mark Levinson 35 DAC?
Thanks Jtinn, I guess that is probably why the used offerings are less than 25% of the original retail. It's still a Levinson, though, so I guess it can't be that bad. 
MSB III vs. Soundstream DAC-1 by Krell
Correction: I was refering to the Wadia 27ix. The 270 is a transport. 
MSB III vs. Soundstream DAC-1 by Krell
Please get your facts and history correct before you act like you know what you are talking about, Tk_109. The review of the first ever CD player by Stereophile (the Sony CDP-101) appeared in January, 1983(!) and I think first DAC's didn't come ou... 
Will the HDCD format survive
You call the 2-3% of CD titles that are encoded in HDCD dominant? 
Best Digital Front End Period!
Tubegroover, do you actually have a budget for your new digital front end? I heard the Linn Ikemi recently and was very impressed by the performance. The improvement over the lower end Genki was NOT subtle in a moderate $7k (with the Genki, around... 
Linn vs. Wadia
I auditioned some Linn and Wadia players today. To be fair, the Linn Genki was average at best, but I was extremely impressed with the Ikemi. I personally feel that it bettered the 830 in most areas, including a more natural, relaxed presentation ... 
Linn vs. Wadia
For the record, I don't subscribe to audio mags. They are mostly advertising propaganda and I only flip through them in the newsstands to get the scoop on new products coming out and check out the specs and all I am doing is stating the facts. If ... 
Best small 2-way floorstander?
Thanks for your recommendation, Saturn99, I will check it out! 
DAC or CD Player
Ugin, if your budget is $4000, you have plenty of options available. I would say to go with the one box player at that price range. For instance, you can pick up a used ML No. 39, Simaudio Moon Eclipse, or brand new Linn Ikemi for under $4k. The I... 
Best small 2-way floorstander?
Thanks for keeping the comments constructive, everyone. I'm picking up some good feedback here. Saturn99: Those are good suggestions, but I already have a minimonitor. Inscrutabl: You ask a very good question, and it's one to ponder, especially af... 
Best small 2-way floorstander?
Thanks for keeping the comments constructive, everyone. I'm picking up some good feedback here. Saturn99: Those are good suggestions, but I already have a minimonitor. Inscrutabl: You ask a very good question, and it's one to ponder, especially af... 
A newbie deciding on a transport/DAC
MSB Link DAC 3 would be a good choice. Many reviewers have suggested mating it with a Pioneer DV-414 DVD. (or any DVD player with a 24/96 output, ask the dealer or check the manual before you buy) If you use a DVD player as a transport, you can ou...