
Responses from hi4head

NAD C540 player is dying. Replacement?
Again folks, thanks for the input.I drove over to Raleigh yesterday afternoon and pickup a new Apollo. I put in it into my system early evening, and all I have to say is "WOW".It is like a veil has been lifted from my music. (Even my wife has been... 
NAD C540 player is dying. Replacement?
Rob,Thanks for the additional comments on using a transport with separate DAC. I was actually starting to explore this idea later last night and this morning. My NAD player will not function as a reliable transport do to its new glitches (skips, c... 
NAD C540 player is dying. Replacement?
Thanks for the responses so far.Rich: The way that I read your earlier note, my interpretation was not that you were soliciting a sale, only sharing your insights. From seeing that you are also running the signal into tubes makes me think that the... 
Passive Preamp Build; ? on RCA Jack Grounding
Great and thanks for the reply. I also have read about a switch to lift the grounds with a capacitor in the series. I figured that if I had some hum issues, then I would go back in and alter the wiring.I have a lot of copper sheet around due to my... 
Passive Preamp Build; ? on RCA Jack Grounding
Thanks Jgjockey.I was planning to do a point-to-point star ground in this first project.My take is that it really won't hurt anything if the jacks are grounded to the star and to the rear part of the chassis. Correct?Thanks,Chris 
Specs on PSE Studio Mark IV
Hi Guys,Thank you so much for the information. I remember an audio saleman telling me a long time ago that a good amp will really make a big difference in sound. I sort of blew him off until I got the PSE a couple of years ago. It is incredible wi... 
For the money, Best set up for HT and music
Since you're already getting tons of ideas thrown at you, here's another.I'd echo some of what Knownothing and Zigonht and others have mentioned. Also, this is based on my own experience as someone who went down this path of wanting a good HT syst... 
sand in speaekers
The Monitor Audio Silver 5i's that I previously owned also had a chamber in the bottom of the cabinet. There was a plastic plug covering the opening. I used around 25# of lead shot (double bagged)in each. It tightened up the base considerably. The... 
Amp for Thiel CS1.5?
I want to thank everyone again for their input and suggestions. My - new to me - PSE Studio Mark IV arrived last night. I've only had a short time to listen to it, but I am seriously impressed. I'm now getting a sense of how good my system can sou... 
Amp for Thiel CS1.5?
Thanks again to everyone.The speakers are in my living room which is approximately 17x17x9. I do have a powered sub, a Def Tech that was recommended by my local dealer. I also bought the speakers that the Thiels are replacing from him. He said tha... 
Amp for Thiel CS1.5?
Thanks for the input folks.Any thoughts on Anthem's older MCA 2? It is shown as being rated at 200/350 for 8/4 ohms. This doesn't quite meet Thiel recommendation for doubling when going to 4 ohms.I'm unsuccessful so far tracking down the specs on ... 
HT Receiver to 2-channel amp?
Thanks folks,Dejanm: Currently I am not sold on getting Theils. I'm also considering Totems (sttaf and hawk), and Spendor s6e and am open to others that meet criteria for my wife and me. (Me: excellent sound and imaging; wife: small floorstander w... 
HT Receiver to 2-channel amp?
Thanks guys. I figured that before I bought equipment and then found out I was screwed that I should check.Have a great day.Chris 
Totems without Claws?
Thanks folks.The room is around 16'x16' with 9' ceilings.Right now I use a NAD c540 cd player and an Outlaw 1050 reciever. I also have a DefTech powered sub, a Pioneer DVD player, a Klipsch center channel, and some garbage rear speakers. My plans ... 
Totems without Claws?
Thanks for the input everyone.First, I'll keep my wife. (I did appreciate the humor.)What we're looking for are speakers with high-end furniture grade appearance. Then there is the size factor.They need to be small towers. No taller than around 36...