
Responses from hgeifman

Melco N1A: AIFF Transfers and Cover Art
Please see more info from Doug's Scripts:Save Album Art as folder.jpg v3.6OS X 10.10 or later only. This script will export the artwork of the selected tracks or tracks in the selected playlist as a JPEG image file named folder.jpg to the folder w... 
Melco N1A: AIFF Transfers and Cover Art
I have a few questions for you: 1. You said your cover art was manually dragged/pasted into the iTunes "Artwork" tab of the "album" after all the tracks were copied.   Where is the cover art is stored on your MAC Computer?   Is the cover art stor... 
FYI RE: Summary of Aurender System Software Release 4.9.39/5.9.39, App Release
Aurender Customer Support also reports the following:1) There are some issues with a few of the radio streaming URLs we were supplied for the Recommended Stations.  Aurender is working on updating the list for the US so that the URLs are correct, ... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Please see this review on the Bel Canto Ref600 power amplifier:http://www.hifiplus.com/articles/bel-canto-design-dac-27-dac-and-ref600m-power-amplifiers/  
Class D is just Dandy!
My Hypex NCore NC400 Bridged Mono block class D power amplifiers resulted in my sound quality being more natural, clearer, having more bass, a lack of noise, excellent dynamics and details. I am running my Bricasti M1 DAC direct into the Hypex N... 
Any comments on the Acoustic Imagery Atsah 1200 mono block Class D Amplifier?
Merrill (from Merrill Audio) reports the Merrill Veritas amp is NOT planned for a smaller chassis.  The Veritas amp is 17" wide per box and there are two boxes.  This is too large for my shelf space.  He reports "stable temperatures are necessary ... 
Class D = Trash?
Everyone in audio has a different opinion on what sounds good and what does not. There are many factors that influence your opinion on equipment and its associated technology. Understanding the technology is interesting but, for me, how a piece ... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Rbogartr,  One hundred and forty one (141) Audiogon members have made comments and suggestions regarding the tweeter and finish problems with your Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers.   It was an amazing amount of useful information that I hope you found... 
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
+1 Ayre Codex DAC.  An excellent high quality DAC from a well known company.   
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
slaw,  I am very sorry. The only point I was trying to make is that Upscale Audio reached out to its customer with a resolution and was trying to contact the customer.  rbogartr needs to contact Upscale Audio for a resolution. Of course, rbogartr... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
rbogartr, As noted by Upscale Audio above, please call them ASAP and resolve this issue.  The ball is in your court!!This issue should be closed.    
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Based on the DOA tweeter and the speaker's damaged finish, it is my opinion you should immediately RETURN your Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers to Upscale Audio for a full refund. It is very unfortunate you had these problems but facts are facts. You ... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
I see the DOA tweeter is being replaced but what about the finish where the lacquer was clouded  and the back of the speaker was loaded with black specks under the lacquer?   Based on this description and I would return these speakers to Upscale A... 
Trade in value to a dealer
I have never used Audio Solutions listed below but you might want to ask them if they are interested in your used equipment (cash or consignment). http://theaudiosolutions.comMCINTOSH, AUDIO RESEARCH, CARY, MARK LEVINSON, CHORD, BOWERS & WILKI... 
Trade in value to a dealer
My best guess is your retailer is not going to offer you a high trade in value for your equipment regardless of what you buy.  You might ask your retailer if they would accept your equipment for a consignment sale (fees could be 10-20% of sale pri...