
Responses from hgeifman

USB cable opinions
+1 Audience.  I switched from the Wireworld Platinum USB cable to the Audience AU24 SE USB Dual End cable and it sounded much better.  I immediately heard better bass, clarity, less noise and better separation. Th Audience USB duel end cable is ex... 
Which Monitor Speakers to Consider
The HARBETH Monitor 40.2 is an excellent speaker with outstanding sound quality.  Unfortunately, it was too large for my living room and I so purchased the PMC Twenty5.26 speakers that are also excellent. I suggest you audition the HARBETH Mobitur... 
MAC Book Pro Computer vs Aurender N100h vs Aurender N10 Music Servers
FYI.  My Aurender IPad was losing its connection to  my Aurender N10 Music Server yesterday. I re-booted the iPad App but still had the same problem.  Today, I re-started (hit the re-start tab in settings) my N10 and everything is working fine no... 
Audio Demo Equipment on You Tube
No, absolutely not.  Please do not buy any audio equipment after seeing it on your computer. The purpose of the video is introduce you to their company, their equipment and to actually see the equipment.  The video, hopefully, provides some useful... 
Ayre QB9 DSD buzz
I have since sold my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC but it did “stop working” and had to be retuned to the factory for a transformer repair.  As you noted, I wonder if your buzzing is due to a transformer issue and am hoping your new transformer solves the buz... 
Error on Ayre QB 9 (DSD)
Turn power completely off on the Ayre QB-9 DAC.  This means unplug from the wall plug for 5 minutes. If the above does not work, as was suggested above, please call Ayre Customer Servuce for help.  
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
Please see response below from Tidal Streaming:“I have sent your message on over to our development team for consideration.While I cannot provide an immediate response confirming the status of your request, please know that feedback like yours is ... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
I was told that Tidal album content disappears when Tidal no longer has the streaming rights to the album contents. For example, Tidal lost rights on David Chesky records and Claire Martin. Peter Gabriel is also one of them and also a very limit... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
As per my above post, I sent an email to Aurender Customer Support suggesting they review their App API since it needs to do a better job handling Tidal albums with metadata and content problems. Aurender needs to handle all incoming Tidal metadat... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
My sort by artist problem is solved.  I manually scanned every single album I marked as a favorite.   I noticed the Sabra Dance album had no content. I deleted it and my albums are now sorted correctly.  A miracle.    
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
I sent additional info to Aurender and Tidal. Now I wait for a solution. I deleted several albums having multiple artists but nothing worked. I scanned my albums for strange characters but found nothing. I checked my albums and they all look ... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
Nothing worked. I logged out and back in on the Aurender and there was no sort by artist change. It asked if I wanted to delete content and I said no. Is this correct? I do not want to lose any of my favorites. As was suggested, I deleted a... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
Tidal Customer Support wants me to log out of my Aurender streaming device used for Tidal and restart it.  There is a tab on my Aurdender settings page that says delete account.   Is this the tab I should use to log out of the Tidal application on... 
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
I also like listening to Tidal Streaming music because it is easy to use and I love the variety.  Of course, the BEST part is their excellent uncompressed sound quality.   In addition, I can change my mind on an album and quickly find a different ... 
Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence
@lalitkThanks.  The sort by albums sequence problem ONLY occurs for the Tidal albums.   The sort sequence for my stored CD albums is perfect.   The first time this happened, one of the Tidal albums had corrupted metadata and Aurender Customer Supp...