
Responses from hgeifman

An indoor FM antenna...for cave man??
Another FM antenna source is the CCrane Company. seehttp://www.ccrane.com/antennas/fm-antennas/ 
An indoor FM antenna...for cave man??
Please see the Magnum Dynalab ST2 FM Antenna. seehttp://www.magnumdynalab.com/fmantenna-st2.htm 
Moving from CD Player to MAC Book Pro Music Server
Hi Sfar: Thanks for your suggestions above. I forgot to mention in my post that I ordered two Seagate FreeAgent Go™ Pro for Mac (500gb) external drives. Drive #1 is the main drive connected to the computer by Firewire. Drive #2 is the backup drive... 
Recommended components on Stereophile Magazine.
Stereophile's recommended components pages are very interesting to read but I would never purchase any of the recommended products unless I heard it in my system. Their reviewers make for interesting reading but it is my system, my money and my ju... 
Looking for the best CD 3-4k
Bryston BCD-1 CD player at $2,695. Ayre CX-7e MP CD Player at $3,500. 
Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1
The Bryson Rep called me today and confirmed that Bryson has no retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area. He offered to loan me the Bryston BCD-1 and I will contact him around mid September.All the reviews I saw on the Bryson BCD-1 were very positi... 
Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1
I am interested in the Bryston BCD-1 CD player but cannot find any retailers in the San Francisco Bay area. I talked to Bryston and their Rep is supposed to let me know. My guess is they have no retailers in my area (I cannot believe it). I need a... 
Looking for an excellent outdoor FM antenna
I suggest you look at the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 Vertical Omnidirectional FM Antenna.http://www.magnumdynalab.com/fmantenna-st2.htm 
Best intro to tube integrateds?
I am also looking at a tube intgrated amplifier and like the Prima Luna ProLogue Two Integrated Amplifier ($1,675). please see:http://www.primaluna-usa.com/prologue2.htmhttp://www.primaluna-usa.com/prologue1.htmhttp://www.upscaleaudio.com/bPrimaLu... 
High WAF, simple, integrated amplifier
What about the NaimUniti all-in-one audio player?The NaimUniti is our first ever all-in-one audio player. It combines a ten-input, 50-Watt-perchannel integrated amplifier based on the award-winning NAIT 5i, a CD player based on the similarly accla... 
Ay comments on Sound Anchor 4 post monitor stands?
Thanks to the above posts, I looked at speaker stands from Sound Anchor, Tyler, Skylan and Target. All of these stands were nice but very industrial looking for our living room. I visited my retailer and saw the small Sonus Faber stands he had on ... 
Ay comments on Sound Anchor 4 post monitor stands?
I am going to look at the Target stands you recommended above on Tuesday. Do you have any comments on the Skylan Stands at http://www.skylanstands.com/index.htm Thanks.. 
Ay comments on Sound Anchor 4 post monitor stands?
Chayro: Thanks for the suggestion to look at Target stands. Yes, the Sound Anchor stands are very expensive and I will also look at the Target stands. Do you have a web site for Target stands? I cannot find one. Thanks..... 
What Integrated Amps have the sonics of Separates?
I own the Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp and it is excellent. I suggest you give it a listen. see http://www.ayre.com/ 
Good stores in LA
Gene Rubin Audiohttp://www.generubinaudio.com/