
Responses from hgabert

VTL Tetrode/Triode
Update: Tetrode/triode mode appears to be speaker dependent, too. I recently switched to B&W N802s from N803s, and with the Nautilus 802s, I'm back to tetrode for most of the time. Those babies like power, and triode is fine only if the dynami... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Zaikesman: Thanks, I'll do that. Rechecking the bias is pretty easy to do and doesn't take much time. I guess all I wanted to convey that triode mode (with new tubes) has an incredible immediacy and clarity, which I didn't experience before. 
Dynamics and Microdynamics
I'm not sure 100 watts is enough. Both Wilson and B&W Nautilus speakers have lowish impedance curves in the 30-80 hz range, and both are rated at 90 db efficiency (or thereabouts). Any source material with wide dynamic swings from ppp to fff w... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Update: I just replaced all tubes (input, output, and driver) and I must say that now, triode is a lot better than it used to be. In comparison, tetrode is a little hazy and distant. But triode is crystal clear, and now, for example, the the above... 
Dynamics and Microdynamics
Source was Mark Levinson 390s (CD), preamp was Mark Levinson 380s, interconnects and speaker cables were all Transparent.You're probably right about the missing spikes. 
Dynamics and Microdynamics
I've heard very good things about the Lamms. But do the Lamm M1.1's (at 100 watts) really have enough power? I can't even run the VTL 450's in triode mode because with 220 watts (!) breakup occurs (at reasonable listening levels). So I'm somewhat ... 
Dynamics and Microdynamics
I will try that setup, and the other one (VTL/Wilson), too. Do you expect the Class/B&W setup do come closer to the real thing, i.e., conveying both micro- and macrodynamics well? And if so, why?I guess there is a lot of random luck involved, ... 
Dynamics and Microdynamics
Correction:In the last paragraph, I meant to say that system A (VTL/B&W)sounded a little warmer, system B (Classe/Wilson) sounded a little thinner. Sorry. 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Zaikesman: Isn't that a pain? Flipping a switch on the back of the amps is one thing, but unscrewing the covers, pulling out the two input tubes, and replacing them? Or do you leave the covers open? Maybe, in that case, it is not too bad. Well, an... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Yeah, that is somewhat strange. But everyone needs to make a living, I guess. I emailed VTL about prices but haven't received a reply yet (maybe because I bought my amp used, so I'm not exactly a priority customer for them).On another note, I list... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Thanks. I will, for sure, look into the infini caps. This seems like a logical, first step to take. I really appreciate the feedback from everybody. 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
My MB-450 have the MIT caps, I'm not sure if they differ a lot from infini caps in terms of sound reproduction. I agree, power reserves are crucial. (I just find it astonishing that 220 watts for small-scale music might not be enough). However, al... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
Hmm . . . good points, Zaikesman. I've never listened to the MB-750 in triode mode in my room, and they could certainly sound better than the 450 in tetrode. Who knows?But the comparison here is tetrode/triode for a given unit, and yes, maybe that... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
On my MB-450 (and they have plenty of power), I now only listen to Triode with solo instruments (or solo voice). For everything else, Tetrode is far superior in overall satisfaction. Even with small ensembles (duos, trios, quartets, etc.), Tetrode... 
VTL Tetrode/Triode
As I stated above, for me it also Tetrode now (90% of the time), it just sounds better. As an aside, I understand that there is more negative feedback with tetrode (about 6dB or so), and some people (whose opinions I generally respect) claim that ...