

Responses from heyitsmedusty

Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
UPDATE:I sold those B&Ws, because they were just not FULL enough. I put some Sonus Fabers in their place, and finally recovered some of that audiophile magic. The B&Ws didn't have that sparkle, that hint of reality and presence.I also foun... 
Louisville, Ky
Hey, I recently moved back to Louisville from Cincinnati. Where do you go for high end audio around here? Are there shops or dealers around here?Dusty 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
I'm in Louisville now. 
Need help picking a Headphone amp.
Do some Googling on Little Dot tube amps. They are very reasonable, and give warm and detailed sound. I used the Little Dot II+ with my Sennheiser HD-600's for a couple great years. I eventually upgraded to an Antique Sound Labs tube headphone amp... 
Problem with soundstage up near ceiling.
This sounds like a problem with the listening position. Try elevating your chair 4 feet higher on acoustically-dampened cinder blocks and your problem should be solved. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Does anyone know where I could hear some Totem Arro speakers in Cincinnati? I would be fine going to a store or a home setup if you knew someone.Thanks,Dusty 
Would I benefit from a headphone amp?
Cassette walkman? Is this a serious post? I was pretty sure they don't even make cassettes anymore. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Over the Rhine had their new CD launch at Joseph Beth Booksellers at Rookwood Commons tonight, giving a free concert and signing CDs and posters. The new CD is entitled The Long Surrender. I think most Cincinnati audiophiles should be familiar wit... 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
I know, I know, Rnm4, you're absolutely right. Right now they are too close to the back wall (about 1 foot), and probably resonating the entire credenza into a bass-reflex monstrosity. I haven't even given them the proper attention they need to sh... 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
Initial reaction: Stevecham is probably right. I don't have them on stands yet (just sitting on my entertainment center to the left and right of my TV), and the sound is smaller and artificial sounding. They are new so they have a good amount of b... 
Replacing Thiel 2.2's, Need Monitor Suggestions
I know it's a couple years on, but I've finally done it! I replaced the Thiels with some B&W CM1 monitors as suggested by Knownothing above. Thanks so much for everyone's help!I'll follow up with a review on my impressions of the replacement. 
What you drink while listening sessions?
I'm from Kentucky, so bourbon is the obvious choice here. I like boutique small batch stuff, but Woodford Reserve is a fantastic standby.On Scotch days, Balvenie Doublewood or Glenfiddich 15. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Thanks, Scott!That's the kind of posting I like to see on here. 
goertz cables
Well, since you're the one who just got a pair of them, I guess we would like to hear YOUR opinion. :)Dusty 
Can Frequency Sweeps Damage Speakers?
The Ayre CD is from 5hz to 20khz. Is there a safe way to use this to calibrate my speakers? I'm currently using Thiel 2.2's, but will probably be using some Totems soon.