

Responses from heyitsmedusty

Not sure if anyone has checked out his web site...but it's pretty weird. I think that a passion for teddy bears is fine (I'm actually just saying that...I really don't), but maybe you could make a dedicated site for your cable business and a dedic... 
What were your own blind cable test results?
Drubin: as your prescribed test is, it does not consider the performance of an interconnect between two specific components I think that's exactly Zaikesman's point; when you're testing an intereconnect's performance between two specific component... 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Poiema Interconnect
I find it interesting that when you look at the reviews that Lak has posted, they are overwhelmingly for Ridge Street Audio and they are 100% positive. He's either too enthusiastic about the cables (discounts objectivity of article) or has a veste... 
Want to Start vinyl
I don't agree with Taters' either, but we can at least respect his perspective. For him, searching for vinyl isn't worth it. He did a quick cost/benefit, and the cost of his time and effort did not equal the benefit of finding a record that he can... 
Want to Start vinyl
For some people, like Jjmali mentioned, hunting for vinyl is half of the hobby. It's the thrill of finding something great, or even just the prospect of finding something great. And when you do, the payoff means getting to listen to some of your f... 
What were your own blind cable test results?
I'm talking about equal cables (thus, sounding the same) with different cosmetics. 
What were your own blind cable test results?
I disagree that sighted testing won't skew results. I think if you were to take two cables, one with a very slick-looking outer sleeving and one with a dirty old nylong sleeving but both with the exact same materials, geometry, and terminations, a... 
Best Place for Negative Reviews?
The idea that reviews are more for entertainment sounds accurate. I know that listening is an entirely subjective experience, so I would never be able to take the advice of someone I've never even met for guidance about the quality of a component.... 
Nagaoka Dust Roller...Best or Worst Thing Ever?
Yeah, I use a gooseneck halogen over my workstation now (as of yesterday) and I can see the residue. VERY slight, and it easily comes off with the scrubbing and vacuuming. How deep, in millimeters, are the grooves of a record? Wouldn't the roller ... 
Nagaoka Dust Roller...Best or Worst Thing Ever?
I found it on eBay. I had read somewhere about it, and it seemed like a really good idea in theory so I wanted to try it out. It's used, and I'm really happy with it so far. It looks like with proper care it will last for a very long time. I like ... 
Turntable Pre-Echo Sound....?
So are we saying that the problem comes from the way the groove itself is cut, or is it a symptom of cutting a record from a tape with pre-echo on it?If the answer is "both," then essentially there are two different types of pre-echo: Pre-echo cut... 
Turntable Pre-Echo Sound....?
Wow, I can't believe I actually nailed what the sound is called in my post title. It's literally a pre-echo!I have never heard of this phenomenon. Do more expensive cartridges make this better, or does their better tracking make it worse? 
The sealed LP... what is the point?
It seems like a strange dichotomy to be vinyl "collector" for value and a true vinyl appreciator at the same time. My first impression is that they are two different camps. I can totally understand someone collecting vinyl for the sake of collecti... 
Looking to get started
I'm actually getting started in analog as well, and here are my reasons (not in any particular order):1.) Everything physically associated with a record is cool. "Album art" used to actually be a phenomenon, whereas CD covers now are feeling more ... 
Opinions on newest NHT Absolute Zero
Hmmm...seems like it would be a pity to disregard a speaker based on price. As I remember, Corey Greenberg at Stereophile magazine compared the Absolute Zero's predecessor (the Super Zero) to the $3,000 Proac Response 2 monitors at http://www.ster...