
Responses from hesson11

mono cartridge vs stereo
"A genuine mono cart has no vertical compliance."I've seen that written in many places, but it's difficult for me to even conceive of a cartridge with absolutely no vertical compliance. How does it deal with warps? It seems even the slightest surf... 
speaker selection help ... on a budget
If you can stretch your budget by $50, you could try the Energy RC-10, originally priced at $600 and now offered by Vanns.com for half that price, shipping included. Google "Energy RC-10 reviews," and you'll see they are generally very well regard... 
Does Harbeth Have Plans Penetrating PC Market?
Pure speculation, but I'm guessing the answer is either no or hell no.-Bob 
looking for advice on bookshelf speakers
Someone mentioned single-driver speakers above and made me think of Glow Audio. You might look into their speakers (glow-audio.com). At an Axpona show a couple of years ago, I was amazed at the shrillness and glare of most of the systems on exhibi... 
Speaker stand height
Isn't it important to optimize speaker height for bass response? If you get floor bass reinforcement and bass cancellation right, you can then, if needed, tilt the speaker so the tweeter is on your listening axis (assuming that's the correct orien... 
Perhaps he's talking about Mirage or Vapor speakers?-Bob :-) 
Wharfdale 10.1 speaker: budget superstar or hype??
"It becomes then, are the areas where they excel of importance to you."Rich, I think that is a very insightful statement you made. I love classical music, and if a pair of speakers gets the tone colors of unamplified instruments right (especially ... 
Harbeth C7 speaker grill
Yo Ryder, are your fingers made of steel? :-)I've tried the method you suggested and gave up without being able to budge the grilles. Figured I'd just put a thumb through a driver if I went any further! I just taught myself to appreciate the looks... 
Allison Six - Great but gone
Keep an eye on the speaker listings here on Audiogon. Allison speakers do come up for sale once in a while. You could also place a wanted ad. But I've got to say that finding a pair in mint condition will be difficult, to say the least.-Bob 
Best Stand for Harbeth 7ES-3 Compact
I have the Foundation stands, and while I have nothing else to compare them to, they're working fine for me. Google Harbeth Foundation Stands.-Bob 
Mini Maggie System hurts to listen to
This is a wild guess and something you've probably already checked out, but it kind of sounds like the speakers might be hooked up out of phase. Any chance that's the case?-Bob 
Buying used or sight unseen speakers a bad idea?
Lots of good advice. I'd add that it is often reassuring if you can call the seller and talk to her or him directly. Explain that you're new at this, and that a conversation would help establish confidence on both sides. You're bound to get either... 
What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...
I can't help thinking this is a very oddly put question. Dale, if you asked simply what we are looking for in a speaker, do you think we would all lie about it? Why in the world would it ever occur to us do that? Or why would it occur to you to th... 
Sound stage, front, middle, or behind your speaker
I prefer an image behind the speakers in an (ultimately futile) attempt to create the illusion of sitting in a concert hall, with the performers some distance away. I generally sit mid-way or 3/4 of the way back in a hall, and I want the performer... 
Small monitors/bookshelves for classical music
You folks recommending the Rega RS-1s, how do they do on violins? I'm wondering if they avoid the stridency and shrillness that seem to plague so many speakers. Thanks.(I hope this is a clarification for the OP and not a hijacking!)-Bob