
Responses from hauie88

Phono without ground wire?
ok great thanks all! 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
Yeah I hear you will just have to be patient. You're not selling yours are you? 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@chakster Gotcha, thanks for that - will look for a 4000 then. Regarding Expert Stylus Co., when I asked if they had any replacements or if I could get one custom made, Julia told me that "the suspension of the assembly is faulty. We are unable to... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@chakster ah, too bad. Yeah Julia said the cantilever was too far gone to repair (damaged suspension) and said they didn't have any originals or replacements in stock.What about the designs of the D3000 / D4000 / D4500? Based on what you know abou... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
Hey @chakster so I heard back from Expert Stylus and unfortunately they say they can't help repair or replace the stylus. Assuming I can't find the exact D5000 replacement would you recommend the other models in the line? The D3000 or D4000 or eve... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@chakster Thanks - I just sent a note off to Expert Stylus so we'll see what they say.@geof3 So I hesitate to say this because I know it's silly on some levels but I am basically trying to reproduce an all-vintage system. All my components are fro... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
Thanks all - looks like LP Gear does have a replacement at a decent price so that is an option for sure. @chakster Thanks for the info on Expert Stylus - I will definitely contact them. Also I heard back from Soundsmith and their diagnosis was ind... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@whart got it thanks for that. So do you always play your records from the first track only? 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@thom_at_galibier_design thanks so much for the detailed response that really helped me understand better. The stylus looks intact to me but I am only using a handheld jewelry magnifying glass (I think 40x). In order to really see damage you need ... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@whart Cool, thanks for that.For everyone here, what audible issues should I hear from a problem like this? And what has been people's experience with retipping or replacement styli for vintage carts? 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@whart I actually did put in a question to soundsmith with the same pics so hopefully will hear back from them too. And yes the stylus assembly is replaceable but this is a really rare cartridge and the original needle seems even more rare. Which ... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@millercarbon based on your (and Peter Lederman's) description of the physics at work here, it seems to me that the cartridge is the far more important factor in sound quality - would you agree with that? What percentage would you put on that? Lik... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
@chakster you mean the stylus / cantilever is damaged not the cartridge, right? And in your experience how do replacement styluses affect performance on this cartridge? (btw I got this cart on your recommendation from a separate thread so thanks!)... 
Off center (not bent!) stylus?
Thanks for the responses!It is garbage and should not be used. It will damage your records.@mijostyn - if this is what's happening, would I hear any playback problems? What are the types of distortion that should be audible from bad / crooked azim... 
Newbie Issues: Grace F9 with Micro Seiki DD-40
Hey @mofimadness sure thing. How about in the $500 range? Just has to be MM.