
Responses from hals_den

Acoustic doors?
I have headphones and use them when I can. However, there are a lot times when headphones are not an option. In any case, I was able to tighten up the door tolerances and temporarily hang two cotton and one wool blanket over the door. I have achie... 
Acoustic doors?
Thank you all for your helpful respsonses and references. One of the aspects I love about this hobby (or profession for some) is the chance to apply science and test theories in solving problems. I now have some more food for thought, and for a te... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
Despite ruffling a lot feathers of my audio flock, I feel compelled to defend my forefathers; the cavemen. Dekay's reference to the quite humorous, "so easy even a caveman can do it", ad campaign reflects a not so funny arrogance that plagues our ... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
Please explain, Punkawalla. I don't understand your amazement, and I'd like to get along. 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
Even though I'm not the biggest Beatles fan, I'd offer at least $15 for Gemini's Beatle collection. Shipping costs are the great unknown here. I suspect a complete collection of Japanese pressings of the Beatles has to be worth a lot more than $10... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
No Mechans, I am not Jewish but my wife is. If I remember correctly, the chorus of the song I referenced went something like this: the rich folks hate the poor folks, the protestants hate the catholics, and everybody hates the Jews. Maybe it's mor... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
Blah, blah, blah. After upteen moral diatribes, I actually recalled a gem that my neighbor gave to my 10 year old self back in '74. It was a reel to reel tape recorder with a built in tube amplifier. He included a tape of pirated music which inclu... 
Help with apparent RFI interference?
Hey Mezmo,Sorry I dropped this thread, but I had forgotten all about it and just rediscovered it this morning.Anyway, I bought an inexpensive Radioshack RCA phono plug and connected a 12 guage conductor to the ground (outer portion of the RCA) and... 
Itunes Error Correction
Even though I'm unqualified to address this topic, I'll off my 2 cents. What kind of disc drive are you using? Perhaps iTunes error correction is designed to work on the drives that comes with iMacs or maybe it's OS dependent. Anyway, after readin... 
R the new conditioners that regenerate the future?
Wow. I finally see a reference to green on an audio forum. It's about time. I know no one alive (except one) is perfect, but it can't hurt to try. Personally, I chose a bel canto amplifier in large part because of its efficiency, and I thank Virid... 
Is there any stat speaker to stick on the wall?
Gallo AV Ref. 
J&R salesman says turntables outsell CD playe 10:1
Dale at Eugene Hi-Fi also told me a few weeks ago he sells way more turntables than CDPs. Welcome to the age of nostalgia. Even I miss Peter Frampton Comes Alive. I so tired of seeing Anna Nicole Smith or whatever her name is on the "news". 
Does an integrated DAC/Headphone amp exist?
This thread got my noggin spinning and I after some research and experimenting, I'm at this moment hearinq very accurate sound reproduction via my iMac, $40 iMic, CIAudio VHP 1 headphone amp($350), and Grado SR 60 headphones ($70). My wife's bette... 
External hard drive for expanding iTunes library?
I just felt up the G-Drive and she's runninq cool. A few degree above my room temperature which is 66 F. 
External hard drive for expanding iTunes library?
Thanks for your response Mark . I agree with you that for a fanless HD, the G-Drive seemed surprisingly loud when I fired it up for the first time. Especially when compared with the built in HD of my iMac G-5 which is unbelievably quiet. So loud i...