

Responses from halcro

Fidelity Research FR5e
One important problem I remember when I first listened to the FR-5E.....was the fact that the plastic ‘yoke’ which attaches the stylus holder to the aluminium cartridge body was loose and wobbled. 😱This initially made the sound so warm, wooly and ... 
Fidelity Research FR5e
You’re welcome....Nice table btw ateal....👍Uses a similar Victor motor to my TT-101 with bi-directional quartz-locked servo control. Way to go......🎶The closest cartridges I can think of that sound similar in my system are the Empire 1000ZE/X and ... 
Fidelity Research FR5e
I have the FR-5, FR-5E and FR-6SE.My first one was the FR-6SE which I loved......It is lush and smooth, full-bodied, relaxed, warm and enticing....The complete 'AntiChrist' to the modern LOMC 'etched and detailed' sound.It was always obvious thoug... 
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
I was shocked at how much better my Ortofons performed with a Yamamota HS-4 carbon fiber headshell. The jump in performance was pretty dramatic. My 'go-to' headshell also hdm 😎Until people actually hear the effects this shell can make on every arm... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Glad you have seen the light JT, and I'm so pleased you find the Victor Z1 to your liking...😎When the Neo-SAS arrives, please update us with your thoughts on the comparison....Your's is valuable feedback for all the 'lurkers' of this Thread.Regards 
Turntable and Rack vibration control
Folkfreak is right.....Herzan Active Isolation Platform is the ultimate. See my System Page 'The Final Cut'.Expensive.....but worth it if you're serious about vinyl 🤗 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
Halcro- name a few if you don't mind. If you look at my Systems Pages Bill......you'll find quite a lot.'The Final Cut' limits it to the six or seven 'BEST OF'.......I've bought probably 40-50 vintage cartridges (of all types) over the last 10 yea... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
Whart,Halcro- have you compared say the Airtight (not even the Supreme, but the original PC-1) to the comparable Lyra (which at the time, was a Titan i, except for the "limited" production Olympus)?I've had several Lyras including the Helikon, Tit... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
Inna,If someone is willing to pay $10,000-$15,000 for a MC cartridge.....the least he would expect (I imagine) would be to be able to instantly identify his precious treasure from the ’riff-raff’.Imagine his consternation if he can’t......😱I say h... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?Why do YOU think they're better?Just because someone charges $10,000 or $15,000 for a MC cartridge....and some people are happy to pay that.....what makes you think the higher priced cartridge is BETTER..... 
Turntable and Rack vibration control
There is a school of thought that says a low-torque motor is best and another that believes a high-torque motor (an attraction of the SP10MK3) is best.I don't know if both can be right or why we should believe you over your opponents......? 
VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D
I dislike unipivots as a matter of preference. Raul dislikes them as a matter of religion.I dislike parallel trackers. Not as a matter of preference (although the Air Tangent had serious problems) but more for their aesthetic demands (although the... 
Fidelity Research cartridges
If it's not conical, i wonder why @halcro said it's conical and even re-tipped his sample with Axel (to have Line Contact) ? Chakster, there's no question that the FR-7F had a conical (spherical) tip.Vinyl Engine even gives its diameter as 0.65mm.... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Jessica,The Grace F-9E is a good cartridge.....but IMO your Victor Z1/SAS is superior with greater detail, lower more convincing bass and a luscious (yet accurate) midrange.What the Z1/SAS delivers with regularity over the F-9E....is that elusive ... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dear Halcro,what I learned is that taking an active isolation vibration platform, Herzan or Accurion, the latter one is not really cheap, may establish an even less nervous and more relaxed sound stage. As I showed on my blog it is quite an invest...