

Responses from halcro

So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
Uber,No magnetic strips at all....🤪The Patent Documents would explain how they do it but they're way too complex for my tiny brain 🤯  
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
You're right Lewm in your recollection of JP Jones' skepticism about Victor's Patented Bi-Directional Servo......And then Hiho (I think) produced all the World Patent Documents for it which floored JP who said he needed to read all the documents t... 
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
I assume the main difference between the qla7 and ql7 is just that one is auto the other is manual.I think you assume correctly Uber.My son loves the feature on his QL-A7 which at the end of each record, lifts the tonearm and stops the platter.It ... 
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
Is there a way to prove it?Of course there is.....🤗Just Download the Service Manual for both from Vinyl Engine....It's best to obtain technical information directly from the Manufacturer rather than Vintage Knob or Vinyl Engine which are often in ... 
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
Uber,As a true Victor Fanboy who owns both the TT-81 and TT-101.....let me introduce you to the VICTOR QL-A7 which I bought for my son and which I compared directly alongside both my TT-81 and TT-101.Both the TT-81 and TT-101 incidentally, have Bi... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
I feel like I'mWAITING FOR GODOT  
Grace Level ll
Don’t want to disappoint you @halcro , but none of the LEVEL II models have rounded plastic insert, Grace LEVEL II cartridges are all comes with rectangle insert just like this. Your research is 'suspect' Chakster' 🧐HERE is the Spec Sheet which ca... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
Now that the RAVEN AC-2 IS SORTED.....I need to determine the best two MM Cartridges for the Victor DD.So for Mandrake, Houdini and any other Sorcerers, Conjurers, Illusionists or Jugglers....lets start with these two 🤔GLANZ 610LX MM CartridgeVICT... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
😃However.......Don't forget that we all preferred the Palladian in the Copperhead on the Raven AC-2 Belt-Drive to its performance in the WE-8000/ST on the Victor Direct Drive.......Curiouser and curiouser......🤔🥴 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
I agree with you Noromance...👍There is more drive and menace in what I hear from it.Exactly what I hear 'in-situ'...There seems to be more excitement, tension and anticipation with the Sony. More like 'The Real Thing'....The notes seem to start fa... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
Well...none of the feedback I've received privately, has been as overwhelming as that for the Sony XL-88.....Particularly playing the Vivaldi 😃The requests have been...to hear it against the AS PALLADIAN which is a $10,000 current-model LOMC.The S... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
Just a word about the 'Copernican Theory' Lew......You're right that it wasn't about whether the tonearm was more important than the turntable.....What I proposed, was that the 'Platter' revolved around the 'Tonearm' 🤔In other words...the Tonearm ... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
I didn't know you were a 'Lurker' Lew...?😃It would be nice to hear your thoughts on some of the comparisons?It would also be great to hear from Dover on a more regular basis...?He seems to have as refined a 'hearing' as Frogman 🧐Funny you should m... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
Whilst I haven't given up hope that Frogman will find the time to write his verdict on the Denon vs Shure 'Shootout'.....here are two videos which don't need any comparisons 🤩Before I started this Thread.....I never did direct cartridge comparison... 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
I'm obviously out of my league here.....🥴