

Responses from halcro

The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
I don't think anyone has really understood the question posted here?It is asking for a 'list' of 'classic' MM/MI cartridges which have influenced the audio world and have 'stood the test of time'.Please read the thread on 'Great MC cartridges' sta... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear D,It surprises me that you start a thread about MM/MI cartridges when I can't remember a single MM cartridge that you have mentioned in the past or any that you claim to have influenced you?Is there an agenda to you question? :^)RegardsHenry 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,If you can.....and you have a remote armpod :^)....it is really worth a try.It's really the additional information being recovered from the grooves which allows me to adjust VTA and VTF with grater accuracy. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Lew,Yes......I finally managed to find a Victor TT-101 in mint condition and it just 'slips' into the same position in place of the TT-81.TT-101I am currently speechless about what I am suddenly hearing.You can see photos updated on my Systems ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,I'm also back to 2.2 Gm and neutral VTA....tonearm level.Every change requires a change :^) 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,With the insertion of the new Victor TT-101 DD turntable which has elevated the performance to levels unimaginable before.........I have dropped the resistance on the Virtuoso Ebony to 47K Ohms.If you can try it, may be better?RegardsHenry 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Raul,60K Ohms resistance and 70 uF + cable.Also find that 2.0 Gm slightly better than 2.2gm and slightly positive VTA.RegardsHenry 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear All,Normal service is now restored.We all saw and read where Raul has anointed the new 'King'.....the Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony?Apart from the cost being $1000.00, I did not immediately rush to buy this current model 'giant-slayer' because I ... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Is it just me or does anyone else feel the proportions of the platter and its supporting tube look relatively unstable?Particularly with the 3 belts tugging from one direction? 
Fidelity Research FR64 Black Limited Edition
Ok that makes it clearer :^) Tha fact that it calls it an FR-64 and not an FR-64S is significant I believe.The 'S' postfix stands for 'Steel'...as in 'Stainless Steel' and without the 'S', I think it must be made of aluminium or titanium?We need D... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Thanks Banquo for all this information direct from the designer.I'm also puzzled about some things he says....like the armpod?The heavier the better he says and then mentions that steel is eight times heavier than aluminium and lo and behold......... 
Fidelity Research FR64 Black Limited Edition
Are you able to post a photo?It is hard to imagine a black FR-64s as they are made of stainless steel and to get a black finish on stainless, it needed to be black chrome which was a fairly new process in the late 70s.Powder coating was even later... 
Soundproofing basement ceiling..
Oh no....you have many more options than fiberglass batts.Firstly, you either want soundproofing or you want cheap NON-soundproofing.Remove all the drop-in ceiling tiles.If you have a concrete slab above you need to attach 3"x2" wood battens to it... 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
Hi Jeff,Eames-like.......a good description actually of the SME range :^)Not really a modern design so perhaps reinforces my point? 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Lew,If you go to the onedof site that Banquo sent and then 'click' on 'Designer'.....you will see the price.