
Responses from guitarsam

can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Sam here and ericvmp9 seems to be the only person who gets it when he said "Sam, I got it right off the bat The vinyl has more crosstalk which I like"so in ericvmp9 opinion i made digital audio sound like vinyl by applying the frequencies. More pr... 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Sam here and people repond to my post because (1) they know that i'm serious and not trolling and (2) when they first read the post there common sense tries to kick in because my answer is so logical and then they shut it down because the truth fl... 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Sam here and i made my own electric guitar because i believe the commercial guitars like gibson and fender don’t know how to make a guitar with the best tone besides if i can make a superior guitar why would a play something subpar. Nobody address... 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Sam here and you push the button because it make perfect common sense and if you listen to the audio samples it should be clear that my theory is correct how else can you explain my results i'm either losing my mind or i'm onto something big all i... 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
Sam here and yes 8 track tapes are unrealiable however the sound signature of the media is outstanding and is superior in sound quality to  even hi-res audio including sacd 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
Sam here and vinyl has a wider stereo seperation however 8 track had a more open sound stape and perhaps due to the negative side effects causing a slight phasyness made the music sound more alive 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
Sam here and i'm not saying 8 track was as dependable as cassette or vinyl however to my ears it sounded more organic and natural like you were live in the studio the drums for sure sounded alive that is why i use 8 track frequencies to apply to d... 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
sam here and i realize 8 tracks had  negative side effects like audio bleed in from other channels along with drop outs however i'm talking about the fact that a good 8 track tape sounded much more alive than 1st press vinyl and you could hear and... 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
sam here vinyl is a different format to the master tape and 8 track is the same plus vinyl has eq applied and 8 track does not so will 8 track have better tone and soundstage than vinyl? i'm using logic here friends 
i finally figuared it out this is gonna sound crazy?
lf you listen to the samples i provided it's clear the frequencies from the 8 track tape are effecting the sound in a way that man made equipment can't do. lf you want audio nirvana you must go to the source? i'm onto something big here. 
sam here and i didn't realize at the time however years later he sent me some digital copies so i could check them out 
Can anything be down about this? There must be an agenda!
Sam here and i'm not talking about music that is clipped i'm talking about music where the peaks are compressed and the digital audio is up to odb and the waveform looks like a 2x4 
Can anything be down about this? There must be an agenda!
Sam here if the digital recording is a direct transfer from the analog master tape why does the 1st press vinyl have stereo + stereo depth perception and the digital album has stereo + mono depth perception? and you can clearly hear the difference... 
Can anything be down about this? There must be an agenda!
Sam here, and if digital audio is bit perfect and I pitch shift the digital audio by 1 millisecond (1ms) the digital audio no longer matches up perfectly to the original waveform and a new waveform is created with 100% of the original dynamic comp... 
Can anything be down about this? There must be an agenda!
Sam here and these are the facts that i have uncovered so far?1. 1st press vinyl is superior in sound quality to remastered new vinyl because new vinyl is nothing more than a vinyl cd.2. 100% dynamic compression can be removed from digital audio w...