
Responses from guidocorona

Rowland 625
Claude, M625 has the same 2 sets of Cardas binding posts, just like M312. The only difference is that on M625 set "A", that is the outer set, is rotated 90 degrees, to facilitate binding from the side. Unless there is something that I am missing, ... 
Rowland 625
Isvaldo, you bring up 2 very excellent points.... 1. Until the M625 has gone over the initial 150 hours of breakin grundge, M312 does easily sound better than M625. After that, my impression is gradually reversed.2. Hypnotic is perhaps a term that... 
Rowland 625
Optimus, the comparison of M312 with M625 is for me an interesting one. Until M625, M312 has been my preferred amp of record. I have commented abundantly ("ad nauseam" many would say) about my preference of M312 over most other amps -- SS, tubed, ... 
Rowland 625
Hi Husk, I usually turn M625 off once per day for a while to facilitate breakin.... This is per Rowland recommendation. . Lately I have been turning it off overnight. I have great hopes for M925, but until I hear it in my system.... it's pure gues... 
Rowland 625
Husk, nothing new on M925. On the other hand.....For the last 2.5 weeks, I have been breaking in an M625 in my system with surprising results.... The device has now approximately 300 hours of operations.For the first couple of hours right out of t... 
Esoteric K-01
Thanks Bill... do keep us posted. G. 
Esoteric K-01
Thank you Bill, if I remember correctly, C-03 has pseudo-balanced inputs and outputs, while it is internally single ended. This design might have a 'normalizing' effect on C-03, as X-03 output is transformed into single ended no matter what. It mi... 
Esoteric K-01
Hi Bill, what was the rest of your system? G. 
Rowland 625
Thank you Isvaldo for encouraging people to use their own ears. Unfortunately I have never heard M312 and M625 in the same system. Therefore, at this time, I do not know what I prefer between the two, nor I have any real idea if they sound the sam... 
Rowland 625
Dtanclim, the price of $9800 for the Aeris DAC is correct. It was used in a few systems at CES, including the Rowland suite. I have not heard the device, so I can't comment about its sound or other performance parameters directly, but third party ... 
Rowland 625
Claude, there was a typo in DCStep's post. Rowland suite initially featured M301 monos, not M302 stereo amp. His findings match my own. G. 
Rowland 625
That is exciting Isvaldo, DartZeal makes extremely fine sounding devices. if you ever have the opportunity of comparing Criterion and the DartZeal pre side-by-side, please let us all know your impressions. G. 
Playback Designs MPS-5 CD/SACD Player
Badwisdom, there appears to exist some variability in the noiseprint of TEAC transports.... Within exactly the same model, some units are a little noisy, while others are dead quite. Coincidentally, all the MPS-5 units I have heard featured totall... 
Playback Designs MPS-5 CD/SACD Player
Badwisdom, MPS-5 utilizes a VRDS TEAC transport mechanism. Some TEAC transport units can be a little mechanically noisy.... Such noise is not transmitted to electrical signals, and never results in a deteriorated sonic performance. G. 
Rowland 625
Clavil, by coincidence I did try the on/off procedure on M625 for those very same reasons..... I could not hear anything what so ever from the speakers when I switch M625 to operation and then back to standby. Conversely, I always hear a very fain...