
Responses from guidocorona

New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Pharma... I'll drink to that!Guido 
Shunyata Zitron Python Burn-In?
Hmmmm, really guys... Investing 2 or 3 weeks of break-in toward the maximization of the potential of several years of enjoyment of a loom of wires is small price indeed.... I have dived into such labor of love several times... It is a little like ... 
Jeff Rowland Synergy's sorbothane feet.
Luca, glad you received a response directly from Rowland support. It is my understanding that compliant Sorbotane footers are no longer stocked, because of possible long term structural deterioration. Have you considered looking into third party n... 
Shunyata Zitron Python Burn-In?
Jayh, what you read is correct.... Like most wires, Shunyata cables require break-in. What you hear now is unrelated to their real performance. You will experience inevitable fluctuating anomalies until the cables stabilize ang yield their full hi... 
Jeff Rowland Synergy's sorbothane feet.
Buon giorno Luca, I will contact the factory tomorrow.... Will ask them why they switched footers on Synergy... And what the best alternative might be.Cari saluti, Guido 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Pharma, what you heard about SMPS is... All correct. In olden days, SMPS had been born as inexpensive, efficient, and compact replacements for conventional supplies... Without too much concern about performance. Rapid evolution has set in... To... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Colekat, the difference between the X-01 DAC / analog output stage and X-01 as transport +Rowland Aeris DAC is rather staggering... For the first 150 hours of operation, Aeris makes a nice but subtle difference.... Past 220 hours mark, Aeris ta... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Thank you Pharma.... Excellent food for thought.... And even better food for fostering a fresh flare-up of my ever-simmering audiophrenic angsts. G. 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Thank you Pharma, fascinating and useful info indeed!I noticed that you have ranked K-01 only as DAC.... Can you rate its transport performance against X-01 and P-03?How would you rate overall K-01 single box performance against P-03/D-03?Thanks, ... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Pharma, have you tried X-01 as transport? Could you comment on audible differnces between X-01 as transport and P-03?Guido 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Csmsart, as X-01 appears to be quite sensitive to footers configuration when used as a transport into Aeris, I suspect that the use of more advanced / newer Esoteric transports like K-01 or P-02 might yield even more desirable results.I agree a... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Pharma, I agree with your finding on X-01 as transport... Thus, I have experimented by applying various combinations of Nordost Sort Kones under the device... Found that supporting X-01 with a Titanium Kone just behind each footer, salted by on... 
Furutech Evolution II Interconnects
Sorry David, I have not tried out the Furutech Reference wires, so I have no idea of their sonic signature.Guido 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Colekat, my apologies, but... What does "multiplier" mean in this context?... But we are straying visibly from the main topic of this thread. I have sent you a PM.Saluti, Guido 
Furutech Evolution II Interconnects
Hi Dminches, I concur with you...I have reviewed the Furutech Evolution II wires in detail on Positive Feedback #45: II are wonderful moderately priced wires, for those very reasons that yo...