
Responses from guidocorona

What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
That was going to be my next suggestion, but TVAD beat me to it. Emmanuel will be on vacation until April 20th, after which we can ask him about the possible nepherious effect of Holco resistors on the brittle brightness of brashingly brassy brass... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Mphkns, Here is another hypothesis: is it possible that what you are hearing with FS on loud brass creschendo is what is sometimes called 'cuivre', or 'brassy', which can be heard live, when the metal body of the horn actually vibrates somewhat lo... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
No kidding TVAD about the number of variants. Even with the spreadsheet I tend to get confused. And you are right, it would be interesting to learn about the rest of Mphnkns's system. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Calloway, you suggested earlier you were planning to upgrade from your Presence model to a real Paramount. Have you ordered/received your unit? You may be able to comment on perceivable sonic difference between Holco and Vishay-based models. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Oops, forgot again. The new variants are 'Plus' variants on the Paramount theme. Thus:Presence Deluxe Mk.2 4.0 with Paramount Plus Upgrade.Paramount Plus.Presence DeLuxe Statement with Paramount Plus UpgradeFor example, here are some of the key fe... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
OK TVAD, I check my Excel chart and I was wrong. There are sadly only 13 (thirteen) First Sound variants.I constructed the spreadsheet from the 2004 price list with some additional info from the First Sound web page and several reviews. Emmanuel h... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
MPHNKNS, there are approx 16 model variants available for First Sound preAmps. Only Presence variants use Holco resistors. On the other hand Paramount variants use Vishay S102K resistors for the volume attenuators. On which model/variant have you ... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Just heard from First Sound. Emmanuel will be on vacation until April 20th. He will call me back upon his return. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
What they need is a brand new heart! What about a tri-chambered one? FS seems to have several examples of such a one. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
I can tell the LS2B is choacking the system from the slight sickly bluish tinge that the golden faceplate of the amps assume when I crank the system up.I think the 7Ms are going anoxic on me. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
ARTG, my admittedly aging system is as follows:EAD T1000 transport..EAD D7000 Mk.3 DSP.Audio Research LS2B linestage.Jeff Rowland 7M amps. MagnePan 3A speakers. C-Core AT&T glass wire between transport and DAC. Audioquest Quartz RCA interconne... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
TVAD, RWWEAR and all. I now have a call into Emmanuel to get more info about his twin volume control design philosophy. I will report back as soon as I hear from him. 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Excellent idea TVAD. Please let us know Emmanuel's response. Optionally I can call him up on Monday. Rackon, only the Presence Mk2 and Presence Deluxe Mk2 have an integrated/permanent ombelical for the power supply. Starting with the Presence Delu... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
RWWEAR, unfortunately I do not own a First Sound. . . yet. To be honest with you, I have not decided yet if I will purchase a FS or a Supratek, or perhaps a Harrons. I am not sure why Emmanuel Go decided to forego a stacked attenuator design. I ca... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
TWWEAR, I understand your preference. All My preference is different: my remote controls are at the bottom of a long forgotten drawer: I never use them. As for twin volume controls, a mitigating usability factor is that the attenuators click at di...