
Responses from guidocorona

DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Hey Boa2, where were you when I was taking ESL classes? You should have voiced your well founded objections with my teacher: that most cruel Mr. De Simoni insisted failing anyone who had more than two spelling errors in their paper.In the end he c... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Goatwuss: ummmpossible! We have Audio Necrophilia nervosa, (ANN) and we just covet all formats and technologies that are being numbered among the dead and dying. Call us Ghoulish, but 20 years from now we will be discussing the same formats for id... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Marco, I should have given Italian birra to drink to my Bengal finch. I am sure he would have trilled his little frilly heart out with it for the thrill! But red Barolo would have been even better.By my request Agon has nuked my original post. 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Apparently I was in error and have received a correction via eMail. Mgottlieb uses X-01 directly into a pre for SACD, but feeds its redbook digital output into the DCS stack. This may very well indicate that the presence or not of complete DSD pro... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Ok, my previous post went right over the edge and its tone was unwarranted. I have requested Agon staff to nuke it. Having fun of Trills, thrills and frills is fine, but the rest was unbecoming.But let's all use spell-chuckers folks, or our spilli... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Henryhk, that's really difficult to say. But you may very well be right. I know mgottlieb uses the X-01 as a transport to his DCS system for SACD. In his judgment X-01 has a better transport, while DCS has a better DAC section. . . and unless I am... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Brian, I trust everyone was over 21 at that quip party thing. . . they sure do not sell no Phase to no minors here in Texas. But in Vegas. . . well. . . anything can happen there! 
Just upgraded to the DK VS-1 Signature
Ellery911, not sure about jaw dropping. . . but it must have been real jaw-locking, for we haven't heard much about this most aresplendipherous subject of lately. 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
henryhk, it does not ultimately matter what technology is employed by a device, provided it delivers the sound. For example, the Teac Esoteric X-01 as well as its various siblings do DSD2PCM conversion. Yet to my ears. . . the X-01 does sound supe... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Ben, fighting my own corner passionately? Naaaah, too much work!Like you, I am far too relaxed for that. You looking for a rule book? Why. . . you lost your copy? Well. . . so did I!Matrix, seems to me the 'invert' switch on your Wadia is a phase ... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Hey TBG, I was intentionally mis-directing my post to you as a fellow traveller and a seeker of fun and humor.Ben, ever thought about relaxing? you should try it. . . it's rather contageous!Finally, I have justt come back from my buddy's place enj... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Hey TBG, does that mean that now not only we have to worry about old Audiophilia Nervosa, but we are in danger of developing Audio Necrophilia Nervosa as well? I feel so honored to be counted among the new audio necrophile breed!Was it perhaps a l... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Art, concerning pres, I was recently very impressed by the sheer beauty, power and newtrality of the VAC Ren II. As mentioned already you may want to have a listen to the VAC PHI, on which the REN II was apparently based on. Like the Callisto, the... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Art, what happened to you system thread? It seems to have dematerialized. Did you compare the CAT with the Callisto last weekend? 
What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today
That's the one: Mikrokosmos, in 7 volumes, published by Boosey & Hawkes! Old Bela wrote another excellent two-volume collection for young students, simply called. . . For Children. Really wild stuff! But going back to the Schiff recording of t...