
Responses from guidocorona

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Matt, I suspect that the Merril Element 118 class D prototypes might be a little less demanding of your AC than your class A/B Burmesters.Even without their final Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuits, secondary regulators, and various other p... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Thank you BO... I have trusted my ears for the last 50 years, and so far, they have served me well. I have not taken a nasty audio-stumble yet. SO, I intend to continue with the same empirical methodology for the next, ahem... 50 *Grins!*G. 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
Bo, you keep repeating the same tedius vague ideas at nauseam... It really gets boring eventually.G. 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Thank you BO... What about a link to your review?G. 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Ah yes, the revelation of Audio True Truth (ATT) version 4.1 by BO1972 will be tremendous... Almost better than very very good... So much better than the Fake Audio True Truth (FATT) promoted by the crooked media and those real bad hombres who hav... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Thank you Richard, I for one am very much looking forward to your observations on Hurricane!GuidoBTW... A very Merry Christmas to All!!! 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Hi Richard, are you giving the AQ Hurricane line a thought?G. 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
Rejoice yee audiophrenes... We shan't need wait until 2056... I have it from an uber-reliable source that The shameful veil of trial&error shall be soon rended, and the glorious True Truth (V4.1) shall manifest in its staggering splendor to th... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
I suspect that ClearThink and Bo1972 may be residing in the same physical human... Whether or not BO and ClearThink are the same "persona", or the latter a fragment spun off  by the former... That is a different matter, as there are some minor dif... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
I was hoping that BO would post a real evaluation of the AQ Hurricane... It is really sad to realize that here we are reading nothing more than a repetition ad nauseam of previously posted self-congratulatory ramblings with little ties into concre... 
Power Cords
"In the last 2 yearss I have done so much research that I can outperform any person in the world in both sound&vision."Ahem, I wish we could be spared the above hint of the messianic on Audiogon... Invariably, the True Trueth shall be revealed... 
No-one talks about Rowlands anymore
Well Inna, now that we are all reeling from the staggering import of your momentous virdict on Rowland products, and -- having finally grokked the true truth -- are thus in a headlong rush to sell-out our JRDG components to the lowest bidders, wha... 
No-one talks about Rowlands anymore
Hi Al, while listening to my M925 monos right now, I can't help it agreeing with you. As I mentioned so many times already, some folks need to "get out of the house more often". At least, if they still did not like the music made by well designed ... 
Power Cords
Hi BlindJim, your non-PC dating metaphores are delightfully refreshing.BO1972: Your observations on Hurricane wires are food for thought, although I was hoping for a sober discussion of relative differences in audible properties, rather than an ac... 
Power Cords
Blindjim, your words are not only Golden, but they are jewel-encrusted!Amongst other things... Fabulous idea of daisy-chaining PCs with proper adapters to break-in multiple cords at the same time.BO1972, How would you compare the new AQ Hurricanes...