

Responses from gshepardbuster

What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ?
Foreigner,  Head Games.  VPI Classic Signature, Ortofon 2M Black, through Meridian G02 phono section.  
Confessions from a VPI owner of some 30 years
If you don't mind try two things.  Take the belt off the motor, turn it on and see if the vibration is still there.  If so then disconnect the SDS and run the motor from the wall.  If the vibrations cease without the SDS then it could be the cause... 
Confessions from a VPI owner of some 30 years
Sounds to me as if your dealer is could try a little harder with resolving these issues.   
What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ?
Billy Idol, Vital Idol, Technics SL 1200 MK2  
Whats playing on your system today?
Judas Priest, Turbo, CD 
Whats playing on your system today?
Night Ranger, Greatest Hits, CD.  
Fozgometer Rental Anyone?
FYI if your amp or preamp has power meters you can use those in place of the Foz. I had the Foz and sold it because of this.  
Meridian DPS 7000 ? 5200? are these speakers actually worth having as a long term deal...
CMB, are the older 7200s updgradable? 
800D vs 800 D2 setup?
I have the D1 and have heard the D2 a few times at my dealer.  IMO the two versions are similar enough to sound equally well if setup with great ancillary gear.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Lady Gaga, Artpop, CD.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Dustin,  if this is your first listen to Dokken then you gotta  hear Under Lock & Key and Back for the Attack.   
Help with MC Cartridge Recommendation to Swap from Ortofon 2M Black MM
I have the 2m Black and a Cadenza Red.  If you like the Black,  the Cadenza Red is worth a listen.  
Please help! - Buy VPI Classic or keep Technics 1200
I have a Classic Signature and the Technics 1200.  The Technics is a great table for the $$$ but the Classic is quieter, more liquid, and has much better bass and punch.  You will hear the difference guaranteed.  
Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100
+1 for the SL 1200!   I just caved and bought a bone stock one and am very impressed.  
Your "go to" lps for system evaluation
I can get a pretty good idea with the following. Heart, Little Queen. Toto IV.  Metallica S/T.  Lady Gaga, The Fame.  Tupac, All Eyes on Me. Frank Sinatra, Come Fly With Me.