
Responses from gs5556

Urgent help: fuse breaker box for dedicated line?
Something sounds wrong here, DT. The "contractor" will do the wiring if you provide the panel? Politely decline - this guy might not be an electrician. Electricians will know exactly what to buy for your requirements and how to legally install. Ca... 
If tube amp is left on, but not playing........
A tube burns out quicker with no signal. Tubes work in the opposite of transistors - a transistor will pass maximum current at the highest signal voltage and the least current at no signal. A tube will pass maximum current at no signal voltage and... 
Amplifier "gain" question
No. Gain means how much the voltage is amplified with respect to the input signal. Power means how much energy it takes to get it there based on the load an amp sees. As an example, if you were to lift an object, irrespective of weight, to a given... 
Mosfets: The way to go for SS amplification?
You cannot really pin them down as which is better or what's the advantage of one over another. Each have their own operating parameters and do basically the same thing in the end: amplify a signal. How they are implemented for a given topology, t... 
Balanced impedence?
They should not be equal. If the input/output impedance of a preamp to amp are equal, you have a maximum power transfer between the two. This is nice, however since each component has its own power supply, it's a useless nice. What is important is... 
Output Impedance Preamp-Input Impedance Amp
Pass "X" preamps have an output impedance of 200 ohms RCA and 750 ohms XLR, which should answer your question. 
Nondirectional & Inaudible Bass: What Frequencies?
Depends: non-directional as you hear it or when the low frequency wavelength becomes long enough to bend around objects?The frequency that you perceive to be non-directional depends on the distance between your ears. This happens when the distance... 
What's My Problem?
Sounds like a mis-match to me. I don't think it's power-starved clipping at all, but a disparity between the output impedance of the passive pre-amp and a low amplifier input impedance. If the RB-981 has an input impedance of less than 47K ohms (2... 
Short notes on Sibelius Seven Symphonies
Also, Colin Davis and the Boston Symphony Orchestra is worth a mention. 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
Because when you DBT, some people will hear differences where none exist and some will not hear differences when they do exist. This makes any so-called scientific study invalid since it cannot show which is right - those wo say that there are no ... 
Room acoustics question...
It depends on a couple of things. First, how far down is the ceiling suspended? If it's less than 16-inches, then any reflected sound in the cavity above is amplified which will be a problem. Second, what are the tiles made of? If they are thin ch... 
A question about cable break-in
As long as the thing you're plugging into has an input resistance, it will conduct current through the cable whether it's on or off.So, the IC's will conduct. The speaker cables won't since they're disconnected from a load resistance and have an i... 
What determines speaker distance?
All formulas aside, where the center image starts to lose focus is the maximum spacing distance for YOUR listening space and position therein. 
DIY and fiberglass and safety
It took a hundred years before the effects of asbestos came to light. So if you get a painful cough around Christmas 2102, you'll know what caused it. 
How do you determine your weakest link?
Warren, I hate to break it you but when you replaced your Thiels you put a painkiller on a fracture - what your Thiels were telling you with their "harshness" was that something somewhere in your system wasn't pulling its weight. The Thiels are no...