Responses from gs5556
How to tell the current from the amp As eric said, the rating into different impedances tells you more about the amp’s capability, and you should couple that to your room size and speaker requirements for selecting a power rating. Keep in mind amplifiers do not put out power, the sp... | |
Focal Kanta No. 2 Speakers hum with speaker with speaker cable disconnected Moved speaker, same problem... shorted the outputs, problem gone. Other speaker is (and has been) quiet. Time to give Focal a call. Looking at their literature, they developed what they call a 'Neutral inductance Circuit" which does balancing act... | |
Focal Kanta No. 2 Speakers hum with speaker with speaker cable disconnected Swap the speaker positions (place the right speaker in the exact same spot to the half inch). Does the right speaker now hum and the left stay quiet? If so, then there is something inductively coupled to the speaker. Is there a basement underneath... | |
Any Fans of Brahm’s Violin Concerto, opus77 ? Ditto... Milstein (EMI Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra - Steinberg) is a fantastic performance. Sound is excellent for a 65 year old recording. | |
Ridiculous resale price of vintage equiment Buyers always set the price, never the seller, because the price is what someone is willing to pay. Supply and demand. | |
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it? Same physical size fuse in 20-amp is practically a solid piece of metal... | |
Swapping Kt88 tubes on muzishare x7 for Kt150 Depends. Each KT150 draws 400ma more heater current. Can the mains transformer handle it? If the winding is 12.6V (tubes in series) then maybe, but if the winding is 6.3V then you need 400ma per tube. Is that amp cathode biased? If so, then the ... | |
Strange ticking noise when amps were powered on from cold If it's common to both amps, then It's most likely mechanical noise from the 6SN7 tubes as they heat up. Tubes are microphonic and the high gain of the amp makes it audible. | |
Owners of Carver Crimson 275 -Caution/Warning--Potential Increased Risk of Electric Shock The power wiring is correct. From the switch there are two wires, each of which goes to one of the dual primary 120V windings of the mains xfmr. Coming out of the transformer are the two neutrals that tie into the fuse, which then goes out of the ... | |
What went bang, smelled of "I'm fried", yet left it in working order...??? Most likely the power amp varistor. It's got a 2kv transformer with 0.1 Farad power supply capacitance. That shorts a lot of current and the MOV has to be pretty substantial. My guess is what you heard is the MOV cracking under stress. Best to get... | |
Amplifier stability with very low impedance, high efficiency mid/tweeter section??? It's a power and heat sinking problem. The lower the load the amplifier sees the more heat has to be dissipated by the output transistors. Transistors have a maximum operating temperature and they'll fail at that temp so amps are designed with the... | |
Unidentifiable popping sound Popping sounds when there are tubes in the signal chain can be caused when the tube loses contact with the circuit -- bad tube, loose socket, or socket to wire or socket to board solder joint. Usually happens when heating up and cooling down as th... | |
amplifier longevity Tube amps can last a long time because they are fairly easy to repair. Solid state amps, on the other hand, can have their lifespan limited by parts becoming obsolete. Lot of amps made in the 90's used transistors (very good ones by Toshiba and Mo... | |
Does reducing gain setting on power amp increase chance of clipping? No. As long as the voltage of the signal (set by the gain) is less than the rail voltage it will not clip. BTW, never set the volume to 100% before sending the signal through. You never know. | |
Why oscillation occurred within my amplifier circuit? From that schematic, if a small negative voltage is present at the NFB point between Q5 and Q6 the output current will start to run away and a small adjustment to the pot lessening the Vbe resistance will exacerbate it. That capacitor seems to blo... |