
Responses from gryphongryph

Holo Audio May DAC
Wonder if the Sonnet Morpheus dac would compete with the May dac.Looks very interesting and can be use as a pre as well. 
Low gain dac!
Yes it is true that the gain on my Primare Dac is higher than the industry standard of 2v.The dac does not have a volume knob or any way to adjust the output. I don’t know why Primare decided to do this, maybe most of their customers normally use ... 
Are spendor speakers competitive in sound quality to KEF, B&W, ProAC, Audio Physic
A lot of great speaker manufacturers in the Uk, Spendor are at the top for sure. 
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
The Primare product’s are beautifully designed, the new line gets a lot of good reviews in Europe, the opinion seems to be that the new serie is better than the old one, even if Primare are using class D now, it is said to sound very un class D if... 
Low gain dac!
@mesch thanks for your input, yes this was my thinking too, when I got the opportunity to buy the Belles for a very good price, I could not pass it, must admit that gain was not in my thoughts.The Sonnet Morpheus 
Low gain dac!
Just listening to this music, it is YouTube but it sounds quite okey. 
Low gain dac!
@charles1dad - Thanks, I don’t understand George either!I am one that likes what tubes bring to a system, but have decided to have them in the pre amp as tube power amps would need more care and my speakers are 87db, so needs good power, not neces... 
Low gain dac!
Thanks for everyone replying I this thread, even the grumpy ones 😜 someone said that everyone should know that Supratek has very high gain, well maybe in the US or UK or Australia, but here where I live, you can be sure that no one knows the brand... 
Low gain dac!
@iseland Yes, I am a native, to live here, wet and windy most of the year, but the summer is wonderful, the living standard is high, same as in Denmark to whom we belong too.Living so isolated brings some challenges, especially when interested in ... 
Low gain dac!
@iseland 😂 happy to make you laugh.I only noticed it a little later, but was not allowed to edit, English is not my first language so you can be sure there will be a few more 😜 
Low gain dac!
@dyson2004 - I am in Faroe Islands ( North Atlantic) @georgehifi - yes I think he did not read that thoroughly, or he thought I would mostly use the 300B output where I can turn the gain down! 
Low gain dac!
@tbi yes I bought a pair. 
Low gain dac!
To clarify, my Supratek is a dual design, was buying a Cabernet with 6SN7 output, but then Mick has designed a dual with 6SN7 and 300B output, on the 300B output I can adjust gain, but unfortunately I like the 6SN7 better for most music, unfortuna... 
Low gain dac!
I am not a technical person. When I was in email with Mick at Supratek, I told him about my system and sent him a picture of the speck of the amp, he told me they were ideal for each other!!But still, my system sounds really great, that is not the... 
Low gain dac!
Went on EBay and bought 1 pair of each (Harrison Labs and Rothwell) looking forward to try them out.