
Responses from grungle

How can power cords make a difference?
I finally got bored enough to go through this thread, although I did skip around after a while (it was started getting personal.)I must say I have gained respect for Albert's position and it's consistency (unfortunantly not for everyone who shares... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
I don't think there's anyone here trying to claim that all audio gear is of the same quality, or that no changes made to equipment will have an effect on the sound it produces. That's absurd.I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just interested ... 
A minor rant
I doubt you could fit $6000 worth of steel bearings (or even carbide ones) under an amp, at least not in a plane...I consider tweaks to be in large part a DIY thing, requiring at least some enginuity and resourcefulness. As far as I'm concerned, o... 
High End and Classical Music
Heh, only one person listening to electronica?Jeeze guys.Seriously though, for an interesting commentary on genres vs. hardware take a look at this: premise is that the most satisfying systems will not ... 
new system for beginner
You answered your own question, they are amazing to your ear. Concensus statistics aren't what sit in your chair and listen. Of course you can't always hear a component first hand in your system, so you have to trust them sometimes, but first hand... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Hm, I'll have to check the rule book, there are already several power cord "debates" going on, using the topic to pad a signal cable fight may not count. Of course, neither will silly meta discussion, so....Jadem isn't offering an argument or supp... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
I think we can get this thread to 200 if we really try.Those Arthur Salvatore thread guys won't know what hit 'em.Go team! 
Any DIYer s out there ?
Okay, so let's say I have a soldering iron, no training and some enthusiasm, what would you guys say is a good sort of tweak to start with for a digital source/integrated amp/2 way speaker system? Whatever has an appreciable return but doesn't hav... 
Should Manufacturers Post Prices In Ads
If You Have To Ask... 
PC Challenge Test Results
I'll echo everyone else's aproval.Regarding cable movement affecting the test..."When you are ready, walk over to the Purist and pick it up a few inches, mash it slightly with your fingers (or bend it) and let it fall back to the floor."I think it... 
The top ten reasons why.....
Excellent post. There doesn't seem to be much recognition of forum "trolling" here, but that would have been perfect if presented as such. The point is probably stronger the way you did it, though.So yeah, trust your ears, just don't forget they a... 
Improving imaging
I was going to post a similar question since I have noticed some smearing or stretching of sound sources with my system. Mostly it seems to be front to back (if that's possible), but there is some slight lateral smearing which seems to be related ... 
Damping Factor
There was an extensive explanaion of Damping Factors recently posted to the newsgroup. It may not be on your servers stil, but Deja will have it.Could be helpful. 
new system for beginner
This can get as expensive as you want (probably more so), but to make full use of the expertise of the people here you are talking about an absolute minimum of around $1K total for speakers, amplification and one source. You'll get a lot more help... 
Requests for Music Reviews
I am particuarly fond of the Vandermark 5. I think it still counts as free jazz, but it is less chaotic (and as such more listenable, imo) than Ken Vandermark's other combos.I would suggest "Target or Flag" and/or "Simpatico".