
Responses from grisslehamn

I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
dont have any children ! 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
I would like to change my first question to : is there a speakercable with very strong mids ?Come on give me shit! 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Fucking Great Marakanetz ;) 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Snofun3, Are you Gunbeis shadow ? Or a parrot ? 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
well i love heat(like Oklahoma in July) and i hate Stockholm(i live here)in Januarybut this Jan was OK. 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
yes, ive been to Miami before jul-aug '94 and in 12 other states besides Florida. 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
I and my wife (we have no kids)are going to Miami/Ft.lauderdale for 3 weeks in aug maybe they have some nice stores there ? 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Ok i guess that youre around 50 ? Right ? 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
i guess that you are great guys. but i wasnt really in the mood for bs earlier. btw how old are you ? im 36 , 37 in oct.And could someone recommend speakers for my Arcam A90 amp ? 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Yes i think so. Audiovector ,danish speakers are popular here in Scandinavia.Unfortunately we dont have a lot of US speakers here.There are a lot of good US speakers right ?Have you heard of Swedish brand Primare ? Or Danish Thule ? These are quit... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
It had been easier for me to express myself in english if i wasnt swedish. Thats why i couldnt make it more original. Ditt jävla rövhål! 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
ha ha ha he he, yeah cry out for the others here . he was bad against me oooohhhhh! 8) 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
It ok Gunbei no hard feelings. but you said "Don't make it personal".Wasnt that exactly what you were ?Grisslehamn is the place in Sweden my wife came from.Thanks for the suggestion though. 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
thats not a rude question.I use old canton speakers and lokking for new ones.And i want them to sound like - you know.Exuse me Rsbeck !But there are some people here -no names- that are (i will not use such words here). 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Thanks Snofun3 ! You really know what i need !