
Responses from grislybutter

Small factor phono stage
Moon LP 110 v2. Unfortunately it's only $600 so it probably won't work for you  
The Emperor Has No Clothes!!
must have been Lauda  
Rockport Lyras
I can shut down threads and I am a terrible speaker  
Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)
I don't have a big budget but that doesn't mean I can't have great sound. And if I had to choose between time and money, for what would benefit me more to improve my system, I would choose time (learning, searching, experimenting).  
Moving into an apartment with wood joist floors - worried about neighbors hearing
for the price of Townshend podiums, you can get decent subs and speakers with isolation feet, like the Arendals.   
Replaced Everything, New Gears waiting to be installed...
Those are nice speakers. With the speakers 5 feet apart, 10 feet seems a bit far but only you know how it sounds. Living in a cabin must be fun!  
Moving into an apartment with wood joist floors - worried about neighbors hearing
 1,400$/mon. for 55 sq./ft that's the size of a king size bed. The door would need to open to the hallway, otherwise you couldn't get in.   
Replaced Everything, New Gears waiting to be installed...
btw I bought that Stones album twice, it was poor recording both times. Not sure what's up with, and if it had a better version  
Replaced Everything, New Gears waiting to be installed...
what are the speakers? Why are they so close to each other?  
Seeking Budget CD Player Suggestions
I would stay away from multidisc players Cambridge Audio is generally good. Marantz - flaky (mine broke twice in 6 years) NAD and older Rotels - not the highest quality Audiolab gets rave reviews check out 
Steve Guttenberg and John Darko. I found them entertaining and a good entry into watching reviews but not very educational  
Steve Guttenberg reviews an ATC active?
for the ATC SCM40, here is a list of speakers in the same pricerange  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
and then some tonearms are more equal than others :)  
Records and CDs
I am happy with vinyl. The quality and quantity of recording that pleases me out there is enough for decades.   
list of speakers
thank you @daviddas! You are very kind. Every time I add another data type it's a great way to QC the existing data (and of course shows a lot of errors I made, I am so bad at entering data) Kind of like displaying stuff on a map!