
Responses from grislybutter

HiFi satisfaction and/ or Musical enjoyment
@immatthewj it also feels like someone coming into a bar, full of drunks and telling them about his last AA meeting and the benefits of spring water.  
HiFi satisfaction and/ or Musical enjoyment
I too justify why I am in the midfi club  
Dynaudio Evoke 20 vs. Totem Signature One vs. Acoustic Revival Adalante 3
@ghdprentice nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :)  
Phono Preamp Selection
@ghdprentice I have heard good things about Jolinda, and a lot on the used market (which may be a red flag?)  
Oh my goodness!
so long OP.   
Dynaudio Evoke 20 vs. Totem Signature One vs. Acoustic Revival Adalante 3
from here on out, I will only buy products that have "me2", "woke", "blm" etc. in their name   
Oh my goodness!
that house is so hard to look at, I would seize all the hot sauce from @dekay to cover it up  
Phono Preamp Selection
I tried 4 different ones, with the same budget (~$500). Ended up with the Moon lp 110 v2. Some integrated have terrific phono stages too, if you ever want to upgrade from the Denon.  
AA for us
@kennyc did you REALLY have to bring up my other problem???     
Speakers or Turntable upgrade
@dmk_calgary so many ifs, so little time and money   
Oh my goodness!
Not a good look …. to you? are we here to look good? I prefer honesty and rambling to a popularity contest.  
Is Mark Levinson still considered up there with the best of the best?
Henry Kloss had way more impact than any of these boutique firms. He designed so many products that popularized quality sound and got those people hooked to go on to become audiophiles  
Oh my goodness!
@danager I don't doubt a $3000 sub sounds better than a $300. It was just an example.  Kind of a reality check - am I really missing that $2700 difference. Same with cables, which I couldn't care much about.  Regarding priorities, I think I put i... 
Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me
of course. As you see, I didn’t include the Devore and the Proac - already on your list. The ProAc is superb, based on mentions and reviews. I am a bit incredulous about the Devore. But I haven’t heard them, it’s just based on their web site and w... 
Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me
@wrm57 based on your criteria NHT SuperZero 2.1  Fyne F300      Ascend HTM-200SE      Polk Audio T15      Sonus Faber Lumina   Paradigm Premier 100B  Q Acoustics 5020        Diapason Micra III Excel Diapason KARIS III        Diapason Karis WAVE  ...