
Responses from greeni

Ayon CD Players: CD-1 and CD-3
I heard the Ayon CD-1 in a dealer showroom, and compared with the Ayre CX-7e. The Ayre is very nice and has better base extension, tighter imaging, and a fuller plate of tonal colors, but to my ears the Ayon is the better sounding of the two with ... 
OPPO 980 h dvd mod?
Sorry, my player is RAM modded Oppo 980 (not 970) 
OPPO 980 h dvd mod?
I recently purchased the Reference Audio Mod Oppo 970. Full mod with digital clock, separate PSU and cyrogenic treatment for $1.6K. Easily the most resolving, transparent and vivid player I have heard at this price level.I do find a slight tendenc... 
Multi channel SACD and DVD/A player under $2000
I was looking for a similar player, and eventually brought myself a Reference Audio Mod Oppo DV-980 H universal player. Full mod version with Super clock, separate power supply and complete cyrogenic treatment for US 1,650. Within your budget.I wo... 
Ayon CD1 and CD3
I heard the Ayon CD-1 in a dealer showroom, and compared with the Ayre CX-7e. The Ayre is very nice and has better base extension, tighter imaging, and a fuller plate of tonal colors, but to my ears the Ayon is the better sounding of the two with ... 
CDP Upgrade: Around 2k Used
I am with David 12. Having heard Resolution, Ayre and the Consonance, I would rate the Resolution highest. And yes, I also feel both rank quite above the Consonance. 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
"replace their fuse" "Nowhere did I mention that this situation is limited to Isoclean"If you care to look closer, the writer of the article actually wrote "replace our fuse". To quote in full, "Looks like we have to replace our fuse from time to ... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
Tbg,Note that I was quoting the article to address the question raised by JD, i.e., "What I would like to have discussed is the fact that Isoclean claims you will need to replace their fuse every six months due to degradation of the fuse". Nowhere... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
Geoffkait, you are welcome.Now here is a simple explanation from Isoclean itself of why replacement every now and then is necessary. I quote this from an audio article written by an oriental reviewer living in Seattle. I can actually read their la... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
TbgYou do made a valid point, though I am less certain the trasportation, etc., could wholly account for that much difference. I do ackowledge however that I might have over-reacted; and feel sorry if in anyway I might have appear to have been dis... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
I think it may be the AHP fuse from Germany that you are referring with Paul McGowan. Featured in PS audio's newsletter this month. 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
Well to be blunt there may be good reason that the HF Tuning will "won across the board" versus Isoclean, as another Gon' member put it. The simple truth is though Iso and HF are priced similar, they are not made equal but more likely the result o... 
Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?
"Wonder how many people / AP users i pissed off with that one??? "Thanks Sean for sharing with us your experience. Some wise men did say silence is golden but sometimes a little dissentient opinion helps. 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
"does anyone know which is better, the Isoclean fuses or HIFI tuning?"Experience obviously differ but HiFi tuning and some other audio grade fuses I tried has left the Isoclean in the trash. 
Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?
I am curious of how the Analysis Plus Oval 9 would compare with the contenders mentioned, in particular the Alpha Core MI2 and Reality Cable. Some say the Oval 9 is affordable reference and depending on length if buy used may still be within reach...