Responses from goose89
Help mapping input on Theta Casa Nova Raks, Still not working, the unit is set to global. I will email you my number.Thank you, | |
Help mapping input on Theta Casa Nova Thanks Raks, I will try that first and if no luck shoot you my phone#.Thank you, Henry | |
Help mapping input on Theta Casa Nova Thank you Jimburger, I have read and reread a dozen times but I am still missing something. If you have a Casa Nova would you be willing to walk me through it? If so send me an email and I will call.Thank you, | |
Noise from tweeter The noise is more of a static noise, as opposed to a hum. Thank you, Henry | |
CD Player with Volume out for <$1500.00 I own a Rotel-991 and it does NOT have a variable output. | |
Your opinions on Audio Artistry? Hello, Audio Artistry is manufactured in North Carolina and do a very good overseas trade. A local dealer here is or was affiliated with them and he has not mentioned anything remotely close to them closing down shop. As a matter of fact they seem... | |
Power cord for Sony DVD7700 Gfroman and Johnwowen, I have made the Mod and it works like a charm. I was able to attach the IEC connector to the back of the chasis and it looks factory. I have not had a chance to play with some different cords yet but at any rate I now have t... | |
Power cord for Sony DVD7700 Gfroman, Please tell me how you were able to do this. I have the same unit and would like to know. E-mail me with instructions please, and where to get the parts necessary. Thanks in advance, Henry | |
Is SACD really this lousy? I am amazed at how far off track this tread has gone. The original post ask for comments regarding "EXPERIENCE" with a specific piece of gear and it seems to have turned into a debate. I can remember when my 8-track provided me with music. Certain... | |
Bryston, Proceed, classe for Aerial 7B ? Hello, I just purchased a Classe' CA-400, used, for my Aerial 7B's and I am very pleased with the results. I was using a Proceed Amp 2 but it just did not have the power. I called Micheal Kelly of Aerial and he said he has had good results with th... | |
Bryston, Proceed, classe for Aerial 7B ? Hello, I was using a Proceed amp 2 for my Aerial 7B's and found that I needed more power to make them sing. I purchased a Classe' CA-400 (used) and now my Aerials make music. I called Micheal Kelly of Aerial and he said that the Classe' was a good... | |
Richard Gray's Power Co - ...that bad? I have one of the "Line Positioners" and I have heard nothing but improvements in dynamics and in the rhythm and pace of the music. It made such a difference even the wife noticed. I tried two in my system but saw no benefit from that though. | |
Best Amp for Aerial 7B's, under 2500.00 I need to coorect the space in my listening area, it should be 6000+ cubic feet, not 600. Thanks. | |
Best used Amp under $2000 for CD-50 Can someone tell me where to hear the Resolution Audio CD-50? I am in N.C. and am not aware of a dealer here. The only place I have heard of this unit is here on Audiogon. What are the prices new and used? Any info will be greatly appreciated. I c... | |
Power Conditioner Confusion-Help!! Hello, I have a Richard Gray's Power Line Conditioner and as soon as I put it into my system I noticed a dramatic improvement in Dymanics and a lowered noise floor. I have not had the hiss problem that you speak of, so I can offer no help here. |