
Responses from goofyfoot

Potential Sound Quality From 1950’s Microgroove
isochronism, there are some I cherish. Many are so rare that I’ve been unable to find other copies on discogs, eBay, etc... And they are all in very good condition. Some still had shards of vinyl around the edges from when they were cut.  
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
chinhook9, Tidal should give a better discount for veterans than 40%. 
DAC Chips
My Ayre uses an ESS DAC chip also. 
DAC Chips
The DAC chip is only a part of the greater whole. In other words, you should look at other factors when doing a comparison because every part of the DAC could in some way, determine the sonic signature of that component. Many people want to say th... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
Tom899, I understand your point of reference where the comparison of the two different Lumin components are applied however, the Wolfson and the Sabre DAC chips would sound entirely different when implemented by other companies.Then you have compa... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
Tom8999, why is the Sabre DAC important to your Lumin T2? 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
After I upgraded my Ayre DAC, I noticed my factory Mac mini was in need of replacing. I only played cd’s from my hard drive, no streaming. I’ve ever cared about streaming because higher end remasters from Analogue Productions, etc... are not avail... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
It’s hard to know what sounds good if one cannot here it matched with one’s own system. People insist on a particular DAC chip as being preferred above all others but implementation is key, filtering, power source, etc... Most people will buy over... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I can’t believe people are still using MP3. 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I’m not completely sure about operations to be honest. It’s only been a week since I placed the order so I have another week until it arrives. Anyway, I’ll try operating it with the Bryston software at first and then give the Roon trial a chance. ... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I’ve been thinking about buying a rechargeable battery powered, power station. My amp already runs off a battery. 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
bataras, not sure what your saying but I believe the Bryston software allows users to sign in to Qobuz or Tidal from dashboard and stream directly via an internet connection. Mine will be hardwired to my router. I will then run the Pi to my Ayre Q... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
parker65310, MQA is just a shell in the same way DSD is, with exception to files actually recorded in DSD. The problem with MQA is that it’s a compressed file. 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I have a Bryston BDP Pi being built and it is a Roon endpoint, so I may try Roon for the first time. The Pi is also Qobuz and Tidal ready. It uses the Raspbery Pi processor as does the bigger Bryston BDP 3, so I’ll have to determine whether or not... 
Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res
I didn’t even know that MQA is a compressed file until I listened to it. When I tried MQA playback on Tidal, I thought there was a problem with my setup. I’ll probably try hard wiring Qobuz once I get my Bryston.