
Discussions gonglee3 has started

Help me make sense of this.34818
System matching can be difficult...339410
Best sound card under $500?28323
A tweak that will tame the digital-ness554415
Is Mark Levinson amp no. 23 a classic like 23.5?242752
What is the life span of a cartridge?20572
Do preamps make good headphone amps?37826
What is a good sounding tube amp for the stage?24985
Help with church system...33588
Humidity question - please try to answer...1052916
Classic speakers to hunt down used1683427
What is a good sounding classic tube amps to hunt?64118
192/24 soundcard any good?16381
$20 tweak to tame that digital shrillness48227
Resampler : 19215560