
Responses from gogamecocks

Pre/power Amp Advice
Buying Pass equipment is always a sound decision. I use an Aleph P preamp with a X250 power amp. I wouldn't trade it except for more Pass gear. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Considering that you can now buy them used for less than $2000, I would put the Pass Aleph P up against anything. 
Power conditioner for amps
Instead of wall switches, look at using some sort of low voltage relay system. If I was using a big power amp which required a lot of juice, I would not want it's voltage having to pass through a wall switch. You are using Power Ports to maximize ... 
Theta Chroma 396 or Aragon D2A MKii
I sold a Theta Pro Prime II a couple of months ago to someone who used the coax out on his DVD. He loved it. You can read my feedback about the transaction. I can't speak for the other Theta DACs, but the Pro Prime II still sounds good today if $2... 
looking for best isolation platform for CD player
I've found the Bright Star Air Mass products to make a noticeable difference, expecially when you crank up the volume and the bass energy in the room increases. 
friend is looking for good $800-$1200 cd player
I will second the recommendation for the Muse Model Nine. Mine replaced an AudioLab transport and a Theta DS Pro Prime II DAC. 
match tube preamp w/Pass X250 recommendations?
I'm not into tubes but I use my X250 with an Aleph P preamp. The Aleph stuff was always described as solid state for people who like tubes. Pass Rules!!