
Responses from glupson

A good time to buy now, or in the near future?
"Drove the german taxi today."Mercedes E? 
A good time to buy now, or in the near future?
jjss49,Luckily, the cars (911s) seem to grow with each new generation. Maybe that is to accomodate longer-living generations of humans?A number of members here claim to drive a 911 so I wondered how they bend to get in as they imply they are not t... 
why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???
"...why was Oppo 105,205 the worlds most in demand dvd,Blu-ray player ,until they decided to stop building them. For the dac inside absolutely counts for sonics."Because people like feeling they are getting a lot for relatively little. As far as I... 
A good time to buy now, or in the near future?
"Not counting dividends collected every time you drive it, park it, pull in for gas."That may be true if you have a large number of Shell stocks. For everybody else, pulling in for gas means having money siphoned out, not in.On an unrelated note, ... 
why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???
"The type of CD player does not matter either, as the speakers  introduce a degree of distortion and degradation that commonly outweighs any differences my many orders of magnitude."Could there be some cumulative effect of those degradations? No m... 
Baby Proof Floorstanding Speakers
Some patience, some vigilance, some repetition, and she will get it. Hopefully, unharmed. When she gets it, still remain as vigilant as ever. If it is not speakers, it will be the chair. If it is not the chair, it will be refrigerator. There is no... 
Baby Proof Floorstanding Speakers
"I got an ikea cabinet with solid wood doors."No way!IKEA and solid wood? 
Tweaks you got rid of because they were not effective (enough)?
One thing that has always worked in improving the sound has been buying more expensive equipment.I have not tried as many things as some here, but aside from changing the room (furniture placement and numbers, rugs, etc.) nothing else made a diffe... 
I am indecisive about choice due to room size
It may work, but you may need to work on the room, too.Smaller speakers have their own advantages, but bigger is not necessarily worse. Good luck and have patience. 
Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones
"Where's the 00 awg battery cable for speakers guy when you need him?"He is on his way, bringing a crane. 
Anyone tried the Ortofon Concorde century Cartridge?
"For $750 anyone can find the best MM with Boron, Ruby or Beryllium cantilevers and greatest diamonds."The only thing that one cannot get better anywhere else, maybe even for less money, is.....Concorde.I have never heard this particular cartridge... 
Can anyone recommend an FM Receiver that would play into a relatively high end system?
One more vote for Sansui TU-717. Prices are going up, but are still crumbs compared to what the equipment most here have costs.On those days your WiFi is working, you can sit, watch, and admire your tuner anyway. 
Beyond Boutique Speakers
"For instance, Kal Rubinson's Music in the Round does not count."Is that the guy who mentions that he has a house in Connecticut and an apartment in Manhattan a few times per Stereophile issue? 
Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones
"Millercarbon had a good effort at answering the question, thanks MC.The rest of you are just childish and inane""Its super easy to show what complete BS this story is"Good effort? Sophisticated, indeed. 
Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones
"Millercarbon had a good effort at answering the question, thanks MC."Does anyone still remember the question?