
Responses from glupson

“Marks on the underside”
The only thread so far that I agree with all the posts above.Bad luck selling to that buyer, but you saved yourself some hassle. Not worth fighting it. 
Better speakers
My post the was removed for mentioning the "hippsy shippy shakes & boogaloo).Not certain why.We live in uncertain times. 
How old is your cartridge?
mijostyn,"Glupson, it is probably deaf by now."I have to get a new(er) stylus to be sure what the time might have done to it. It does make sounds without much obvious distortion so I am hopeful. It is an Ortofon Concorde from way back when. 
How old is your cartridge?
I just bought a 40-year-old cartridge. 
What did you make for Christmas?
oldhvymec,So glupson, you do anything for Christmas? Thanks for asking. I did not do anything worth mentioning. No secret gravy here. Not even grandchildren. If I had them, I would let them read some of the posts here to teach them how they shoul... 
What did you make for Christmas?
That is how to answer to a person trying to save someone from trouble? He might have been right, or wrong, and reasonable argument could have continued, but going straight to insults in the post above is beyond low-class mannerless ego-trip with n... 
What album have you bought in the most different formats.
I have no attachment to it, haven’t heard it in years, but I do have Bob Dylan’s Blood on Tracks.Cassette (prerecorded)CDSACDMiniDiscLPI will get an 8-Track once I run into it despite not having an 8-track player.Elvis Presley’s Moody Blue...LP 19... 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
jeffvegas,"Enjoy your schiit audio gear glupson. lmfao!"Will you ever get one thing right?By the way, what does lmfao mean?While you are at vocabulary, Moabs, not Moab's. 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
jeffvegas,"Wilsons are fine loudspeakers and gupson probably couldn't afford to keep them so he trashes them."I believe that you confused me with someone else as I doubt I have commented on Wilsons. I am not aware of their pricing, but you are a b... 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
"...not to mention the aircraft I flew on to get there."A pilot, or the designer, or the engineer(s)? 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
duckworp,"...their minimalist design which had been part of their DNA since the 70s, was not embraced into wider product design until Johnny Ive created the iPod and Apple made the look ubiquitous."I believe that Jony Ive "took cues" (plagiarized?... 
Can speakers cause mental illness?
"Can speakers cause mental illness?"Apparently. 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
Whole thing...Free download Technics Hifi Catalog 1980 (  
Cables 101, new student, first question
"I've done a budget system where the total cost was $1200 and I've put a $2k interconnect in that system. So I know what I'm talking about."Priceless!