
Responses from glupson

taras22,It may be off the thread topic, but do they really make sofas with wool or down stuffing? My down jackets used to go flat quickly without me even sitting on them. 
"Lets remember that the room is the most important audio component and which provides the largest contribution to the "sound" of a system ( some have pegged that contribution at about 50% )."What about ears? More precisely, the level/loudness of s... 
I agree that being rich does not guarantee any kind of Nirvana and that the discussion about the sound should not include the price.At the same time, more expensive equipment often does sound better than the cheap one. Reasons may be many, but exp... 
"A rich man has about as much chance of entering audio Nirvana as a camel has of passing through the eye of a needle."That must be a really big needle.Why is being rich/able-to-afford  so frequently mentioned as a negative trait on this forum? 
Blocking the propaganda
tomcy6, steakster, wharf,Thanks for your thoughts guys. We are pretty much on the same page and I mostly ignore geoffkait, too.However interesting his character may be and limp sense of humor he has, he does cross the line often.In another thread,... 
Blocking the propaganda
geoffkait,I am not sensitive today. There are things whoever raised you, and you over time, should have taught you. Do not make fun of anyone’s cancer and do not mention people’s parents (in words or implied) in any way that could be taken as an i... 
We got the proof!And the proof about frequently debated and as frequently disputed issue of cable directionality is...…...the promotional/advertising material of the manufacturer of such a product. Why would you ever look for your answer elsewhere? 
Blocking the propaganda
geoffkait,"Was glupson raised by wolves?"No, I was not. I was raised by my parents. This is the second time you are asking about my parents. Is there any particular reason your interest in them is unexpectedly high? 
Blocking the propaganda
n80, whart,Huh, I accidentally lucked out by never going on the track. It would have been humiliating had it not been for self-conscious acceptance of my very low limits. At least I am fine at the stoplight. Same with audio-equipment, buying bette... 
Speakers for aging audiophiles - What's with today bass emphasis ?
marklings,Try Dynaudio Special 40. I listened to them and think they may fulfill your requirements. I, also, dread overemphasized bass and found Dynaudio Special 40 almost lacking bass at first. After a few minutes, I realized it was there but far... 
Blocking the propaganda
n80,I, kind of, hoped it was a fiction, but in these waters similar things get fiercely defended so I accepted it as a possibility that someone would be considering. Most of the hobbies are ridiculous to outsiders and some aspects are really hard ... 
Blocking the propaganda
n80,Thanks for explanation about Bentleys and gas stations. It is an interesting theory, and probably a Bentley practice. I wonder how other manufacturers go around it, if it is really a problem.Now, the actual post about Bentley owners filling th... 
Blocking the propaganda
geoffkait,I am not kidding at all. I am really curious why an owner filling a tank would be a poser. I did notice some post earlier mentioning a Bentley car, but post about filling a tank confused me. 
Blocking the propaganda
"Any Bentley owner filling own tank is a poser"Why? 
Accuphase E470 v. Luxman L509x
It seems that everybody agrees that both of your choices are fine so you will not go wrong with either of them. Admit it, you picked them because of the looks, too, so go with the one that pleases your whole household more.