
Responses from glupson

Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
geoffkait,"My education was theoretical propulsion and fluid dynamics."Congratulations, you fooled us all. We would have never guessed. 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
geoffkait,"Glubson, no worries, I’m used to people trying to make something out of something it’s not."No worries, we are used to it, too. We have been reading your posts for a while. 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
It seems that "quantum physics" is used as some sort of a card you are not allowed to dispute around here. Give it 50 years and, at the mention of quantum physics, people may be saying "Oh, my, what were we thinking?" Maybe not, but the way things... 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
Most of us realize the "relativity" of all the elements being discussed.I got exactly the opposite impression after following some of the threads. 
Is this the end of HEA?
According to one of the above links, we have an answer. It is not the end of HEA and it is not the end of HEA at CES."LG/Meridian to Unveil More High-End Soundbars at CES" 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
Is this where you found it? 
Is this the end of HEA?
In other words..."When we had finished a song, we'd take a drive and listen to it on the car stereo to give us that extra objectivity. When you are working so intensely you can lose that objectivity. And when you're in a studio you're listening to... 
Is this the end of HEA?
From what I read somewhere, music is often adjusted to what it is expected to be played on. I guess that what you heard in the car was not expected to be played on a higher quality home system. 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
"Before you know it, you’ve got yourself a Fortress of Solitude, dude."Most of the people achieve that with a lock and key, not pebbles on the ceiling. 
Beware of SACD Transports -- they probably will not work with your favorite DAC
What Esoteric model do you have? 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
Hmmm, I always thought it was "Etiam tu, mi fili" although in Greek. Who would know, after all these years?I actually had glow-in-the dark Crocs around and did not notice any impact on sound. On the other hand, I rarely use air conditioning so I c... 
New $24,000 inter-connect
"...a local cable manufacturer’s office this week, seizing more than $600,000 — worth of cables..."Officers seized more than 42,000 cables..."Apparently, officers were a bit more realistic and did not value cables much more than those from Home De... 
I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my mind...
"Please, someone chime in and let me know that lamp cord actually sounds just as good so I can go on with my life." 
Is this the end of HEA?
geoffkait,"High end audio has always been part of CES....Been there done that."We have a culprit for the title of this thread! 
I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my mind...
Lamp cord actually sounds just as good. I am glad to be of help.