
Responses from glupson

File Under Misc. Audio Musings--Do any famous/infamous people qualify as audiophiles?
Which integrated amp do you suggest?
One more for Yamaha with those limitations (USB etc.) mesch mentioned above. 
The Science of Cables
taras22,"Flowing lava" did not refer to your cables in particular. It was just an imaginary thing instead of writing "all those complicated and marvelous descriptions of cable constructions that manufacturers present in order to justify their exis... 
The Science of Cables
douglas_schroeder,Just for a little amusement, as skeptical as I am about stunning differences between cables, I spent better part of the afternoon fighting to change the cable on my earphones (actually only one of them, the other one went smoothl... 
The Science of Cables
taras22,I see your last, or at least last to me, point but I think it is a bit off. Not much, but a bit. Cables may be dismissed as being capable of significant differences because they are, in essence and not in some very complicated "flowing lav... 
The Science of Cables
douglas_schroeder,I do not really consider myself anything when it comes to cables. I am not an agnostic, I am aware they exist and they need to exist. I do not belong to either side in this thread and leave it open that there may be something to ... 
The Science of Cables
taras22,I have no team, but I also have not seen participants in disagreement with you being trashed wholesale at all.My remark about jhills being in the lead was about his statement that no other industry uses $1000/foot cables. NASA was implied ... 
Whats the deal?
n80,I am a city kid and my only tractor experience was really those two Matchboxes. I loved them. If you only knew how much of my carpet did that red one plow. Your tractor does look like some real thing. I can see why you like it. Too bad it came... 
Speaker Width?
commercestuff,You do not like wordsmithing contest thread? 
The Science of Cables
Does anyone else see this thread as religious? One side is sure, the other one is sure it is not. Both sides are sure that others would be righteous only if they converted. Beliefs, personalities, preaching, witnesses of miraculous changes...If I ... 
Whats the deal?
There is more than one beautiful wife out there and there is more than one beautiful tractor, too. I had them both (tractors, I mean) and I still miss them... 
Whats the deal?
n80,(I'm the troll she stays with....who knows why.)She knows why, but she may never tell. 
The Science of Cables
"I’m pretty sure the Government pays more than that. A lot more."I suspect that is true, but cables themselves are in the $238.70 and $327.80 per foot (per pair) category, brand new. So far, jhills is in the lead. 
The Science of Cables
rodman99999,It probably does not matter, but your dealer Audio Two from Windsor, Ontario is listed with USA dealers and not Canadian. Someone looking for Canadian dealers may miss it. 
The Science of Cables
We have an answer. NASA uses cables that are between $238.70 and $327.80 per foot (and that is for two of them).