
Responses from glupson

Love it when it snows
"Humans will do what they always do, accommodate."That accomodation is mostly "accomodating the environment to humans" and not vice versa. Anyone has a heater, air conditioner, clothes, etc? You can live only within a few degrees of environmental ... 
Love it when it snows
I asked who Tony Heller is and found the answer "Jack of all trades" on his website. However, it was in many more words. 
Love it when it snows
"On exactly what records has Bob Dylan said that?""Geofkait’s Lost Tapes, Vol. 27"Or was it a tape "Lost Geoffkait, Vol. 27"? 
Love it when it snows
Do we have 30 years? 
Love it when it snows
mahgister,So, my friends have been right all along. I am not as smart as I thought.I will give up my search for truth. If that was the clearest example, I wave white flag.My best to you. 
Love it when it snows
"...has even the slightest effect on Truth."Can someone summarize all of this and tell us what the truth is? 
Love it when it snows
According to the numbers that oregonpapa’s article provided, there is about six or seven poop-patrolers in San Francisco. Not too many for the place that is not exactly a village. Maybe there is not so much poop on the streets after all. 
Love it when it snows
mahgister is shaping up to be the coolest kid on the block.oregonpapa,Don't you live in California? Aren't you retired? Am I wrong? What keeps you away from Hawaii, Alabama, or American Samoa? 
Love it when it snows
"...why can't San Francisco afford to clean the poop off the sidewalks? Why is there even any in the first place???"San Francisco has been considered city of freedoms etc. Maybe they need more government enforced rules about poop. 
Love it when it snows
"Look no further than the State of California. Here’s how the state is run: The public employee unions donate heavily to the coffers of Democrat politicians. Once elected, the politicians do the bidding of the unions. On the side, they try to run ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
david_ten,Have you heard LC's recent release "Thanks For The Dance" compiled by his son, Adam Cohen?Of course, would not miss it. I am impressd how well it seems to be put together given that music was added much later. At least that is how I unde... 
Love it when it snows
In the last 20 years we have had 2 Presdents elected with a minority of votes, in the previous 200+ years that only happened 2 times and 1 time the house decided.Is that also because of global warming, or global warming is because of that? It must... 
Love it when it snows
Hackers got in there years ago and released thousands of emails documenting "scientists" and "researchers" coordinating on exactly how they would fake the data. Hackers, of course, would never do anything shady with the data they steal. Like, fake... 
Love it when it snows
mahgister,"No one is homeless :)"Many of those riding on a public transport to shield themselves from the freezing weather in the northern hemisphere these days would disagree.The body is surely a temporary creation. After that, it is lettuce and ... 
Love it when it snows
mahgister,Nothing to apologize for. I really do understand the hopeful view many, if not most, have regarding afterlife. It is just that person may become homeless if there is no body to reside in. It seems to me that those who deal with death oft...