

Responses from glory

Best S Video Cable
Audio Note AN-K or pony up for AN-J
66,What are you smoking?Go with the J/SPe speakers and NOT the K.Good deal on the 'Gon right now but don't buy the AN speaker stands as they suck. The J's don't come up for sale very often on Audiogon. Get the Sistrum stands as they smoked my AN s... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
In my system the Rapture smoked the Rev. MK2.Buy them as fast as you can. 
HRS Isolation damping plates
50lbs of DS will work. 
HELP with Room Treatment See Slideshow
Barbells. =8^) 
HRS Isolation damping plates
Ghost,You don't stand a ghost of a chance to hear any difference no matter how long you A/B. 
Speakers that can be placed against the wall?
Forget the AN Kit speaker.AN speakers are not ugly. 
Speakers that can be placed against the wall?
Audio Note J/SPe with SET amp. 
Unico SE Underwood Level-2 Mods ????
EL34 ALL THE WAY. I had the Unico and it will not give you what you are looking for. 
totem winds destroy dali helicon mk2
The Winds are blowing in your favor. 
HRS Isolation damping plates
The HRS Damping Plates are not as effective as the HRS M3 with Spacers and Couplers. I have two Plates on my CDP and I can not tell a difference in sound with them on or off. If there is a difference it is very small compared to their platforms.Th... 
audio note ankoru
I had a AN Meishu and now a AN P3 Silver and both amps had/have a low hum coming from the amps into the speakers.There is now a MK2 version and the problem may have been delt with in the newer amp.E-mail Peter Q of AN with your concern. 
12AT7 tube
Fish,A 3 Mica matched pair just sold with the option to buy the second pair at winning bid on the Bay. 
12AT7 tube
Fish,Is your Blue a 3 Mica and where did you buy them? 
Question for owners of Anthony Gallos 3.1
Hand out ear plugs for all your neighbours.Ask them what music they like to listen to.Put blankets and pillows over them.Wrap them up with fiberglass insulation. =8^)