

Responses from gliderguider

Why Tube Pre-SS amp over SS Pre- Tube amp?
I agree with Tvad. Much depends on the specific character of the components you're considering. Of all the combos I've tried, I'm happiest with my SS preamp driving a PX-25 tube amp. While the tube/SS pairing is touted as being more likely to be s... 
Best digital cable to audition?
I'll contribute another vote of confidence for the Stealth Varidig Sextet. In my system (AN CDT3/DAC 4.1x Balanced Signature) it's the best I've heard by a good margin. Others I've tried include the Nirvana DC-110, the Acoustic Zen MC2, The TG Aud... 
High End Audio Rack
Here's another vote for rixrax. I have a Sonata, and I love it, both for looks and performance. 
Power cord that improve the soundstage the most?
Herman,There aren't any $3500 upgrades left to do. I did them all before I even thought about this kind of tweak. That goes for all my cabling - you should get good wiring as you develop your system, but IMO the only time you should even think abo... 
Power cord that improve the soundstage the most?
No contest, the JPS Labs Aluminata. I've never heard an improvement like that from a power cord. I've been using Foundation Research LC2 filtered cords for a year now, and like them a lot - better than TG Audio SLVR (RIP, Bob), better than Argent ... 
Who Do You Credit For Getting You Into This Hobby?
My father. He's a classical violin amateur, and I grew up with constant music coming from a console hi-fi. Then in 1974 he decided to get a real hi-fi, and came home with an AR XA table, an SAE Mark XXX pre and Mark XXXI power amp, and a pair of H... 
JSE infinite slope
Keep the JSEs! I bought a pair of Model 1's in 1985, used them for years, and loved them to death. I moved on to other speakers, and gave them to my brother-in-law who still uses them. Whenever I visit and hear them I'm remided why I bought them. ... 
Please help - 3 top-of-mind choices for Avantgarde
The Tom Evans Linear A is worth looking into. Jeff Day from 6moons loves his driving the DUO, so it should be equally at home on the UNO. My speakers aren't horns (they are 97dB dynamics) but the Linear A has knocked three other very fine amps out... 
If you have a "kick booty" DAC, does the transport
Kthomas,One further note - the reason you don't have this problem in a computer is because of the "system clock". This high frequency clock signal is fed to all parts of the system, and synchronizes all data transfers, even between boards, at the ... 
If you have a "kick booty" DAC, does the transport
Kthomas,Much (most?) of the problem is that the SPDIF interface doesn't carry timing information, certainly not bit-level timing info. The time base has to be recovered from the signal, and that is inherently problematic on a high frequency link. ... 
If you have a "kick booty" DAC, does the transport
Svhoang,It's actually pretty complicated. At every stage in both the transport and the DAC, digital information (conceptually consisting of 1's and 0's) is superimposed (or "rides") on a modulated analog carrier signal. There is no such thing as a... 
When showing your system to others, what do you do
I've had two main reactions to my system over the last few years from non-audiophiles. One is complete disinterest, the other is that they're intimidated. Tube amps, big weird-shaped speakers and a dedicated room will do that to people. The disint... 
If you have a "kick booty" DAC, does the transport
Keep in mind that the actual electrical signal carrying the data from the transport to the DAC is an analog signal that is sampled at intervals by the DAC. Any corruption of this analog waveform will alter what the DAC "sees" on the link, especial... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
I think those who get a taste for Islay tend to migrate to the extreme end of the flavour spectrum (eg. Lagavullin, Laphroiag, Caol Ila and Port Ellen), leaving otherwise worthy candidates like Bruichladdich and Bowmore out in the cold. 
Not wasting my time on new Digital
I think there are too many "bright ideas" being incorporated into the new units. This is either because of marketing pressures or some belief that new=improved. I believe Peter Qvortrup when he says that the more you mess with a bit stream the wor...