

Responses from glen

Help/Major Problem
Have you tried rebooting your pre? Different pre's have different procedures. I have had this same problem with several different pieces. Usually turning everything off wait a minute then bring it back up does the trick. Check your manual for othe... 
'scuse me while I kiss this guy?
That site's a hoot. I think I'll add a couple of my own 
Zoethecus amp stand
If I could afford one I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. IMO it's one of the nicer stands out there. They usually recommended that you custom order the stand to suit your needs, as the shelves are not ajustable. I know they use the highest quality woo... 
Audio tip for aging male audiophiles
This year is getting off to a great start! I see the whole gang is back, and in extra rare form. Thanks for the cheep tweak SD. Also thanks for that post on the Snow White DVD. That one would have probably slipped by me had you not mentioned it. G... 
DVD players with balanced audio outputs?
Hfman, I own a Theta DaViD, It's strictly a digital transport no analog outs. It does have an AES/EBU digital out however. 
Cryogenically treated cables
Do you guy's remember what happened to Dr. Evil after Cryo treatment? He just wasn't the same dude:~) 
Best thread poster for 2001?
It's pretty obvious who the heavyweights are after spending some time here. On a personal note I don't know where I'd be with out the lot of you. Keep up the good work in 2002. Best wishes to all and thanks for the memories! Words can't describe h... 
Dedicated line which wire?
I'd like to start by saying I generally agree with what Sean is saying above. I would also like to mention that my profession is Commercial Electrician in Silicon Valley Ca. I have around twenty years experience and have installed many dedicated c... 
Happy New Year to AudiogoN and AudiogoN Users
Happy New Year to you too JD. Good to see you back in the forums. Hope your doing well. Say hi to Maggie:~) 
Dedicated line which wire?
Thank god it wasn't a grounding question:~) 
Which MIT cables for Thiel???
I use to own the 1.5's. I cabled them with MIT 330 interconnects and MIT 750 shotgun speaker cables. If you can swing the investment I think you'll be happy. Ultimately I would go with 330 shotgun interconnects to match the speaker cables perfect.... 
Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?
Pay off my credit cards before guys named Guido come knocking at my front door:~) 
Banana posts for Classe
You might want to try the Cardas banana to spade adaptor. 
Would love opinions on my HT puzzle
I would recommend that you try to match all five speakers with the same brand. I went with five Thiels and am very happy. My components, amps, sub-woofer and cabling all fell into place based on my speaker selection. 
15 amps or 20 amps outlet
I agree with Sean and while your at it run two. One for your amp the other for everything else:~)