

Responses from glai

How far apart do you position your speakers ?
Sitting close to the rear wall can help bass response at times. There is no getting around that the reflection from the rear wall arrives very close to the direct sound of the speakers. Absorption will reduce the amplitude of the reflection but ar... 
Setting Antiskate - visually
I am also learning to do it by ear. Trying different settings and listen to the same music. During playback of chamber music or orchestral music , the violin or the entire violin section lose focus. Too little antiskate, the cello or the heavy str... 
SRA change from 140g to 180g
You r welcome. I have not tried the centroid but feel that it should be at least competitive with the graham. I am waiting to see how the SG2 perform first. 
How can anyone afford this ?
Ebm: You love to get a rise out of us.LOL. 
SRA change from 140g to 180g
I would add the Graham is more easily upset by floor bounce and suboptimal azimuth adjustment. I think this may be due to the unipivot design which lends the highly focused sound. I can see and hear the Graham wobbles for very short time when it i... 
SRA change from 140g to 180g
In terms of ergonomic, the magnetic azimuth is easier to adjust. The VTF adjustment is tiny bit easier as it screw in and out on the threaded shaft. As I have two Grahams on different tables, I can switch wands and carts betw tables easier. The tr... 
SRA change from 140g to 180g
Thanks for answer. I realize that different records are cut at different angles. Different labels with same thickness will require different SRA, best done by listening.What I am trying to get at is that variance in optimal SRA due to different re... 
Tonearm choices
I have the Raven along other tables. I think the Raven supports the Graham arm at least as good as the other tables. I am just detailing my experience. 
Tonearm choices
I have had 5 arms on the AC: triplanar 7, phantom 2, tw 10.5, davinci grandezza and dyna 507mk2. My preferences are tw 10.5 and dyna 507 for the carts I have used. I am not familiar with the orpheus so cannot really advise you specifically. 
What Do You Hear When You Adjust VTA?
Thanks to Doug and others who helped on my thread. I think I have a better grip now.Like Doug had previously said, adjust for proper temporal integration of the note and its harmonics. Works best for my on piano as I am more familiar with the soun... 
XV1t vs. Koetsu
IMHO, ultraeminent is more refined than the PC1 or the PC1 supreme. The difference betw the two versions are not that significant in my system (my listed system is not current). The airtights are slower and richer sounding. Tons of dynamics in the... 
XV1t vs. Koetsu
Used to own both the Xv1t and the Coralstone. Coralstone had a smoother midrange and just as much detail as the xv1T. Koetsu has an elegant and natural sound. Xv1T is faster. Both are very neutral. I was surprised by Coralstone as most think of Ko... 
Listening impressions of two tonearm wires
I find the Discovery an excellent value and exceptional sounding. Very similar to Nordost tyr. Used on Graham phantom 2, dynavector 507mk2. 
How to eliminate TT feedback/vibration
Minus K isolation works great for me. 
Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?
In my system, the only thing digital do better is noise.Vinyl is better in every other aspect. The bass reproduction in analog chain is easily compromised: proper setup and acoustic feedback being most critical.