Responses from gkelly
on the cheap Amazon. WIIM Mini. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HC5GRKY/ref=sspa_mw_detail_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams | |
Room Treatment suppliers @8th-note I looked at that video back when I was looking to do DIY acoustic panels. Dismissed his idea of going to thrift stores for used towels. On a cost analysis, I found going to your local insulation distributor and getting a case(12, 4’~8’)7... | |
Some Cables Thoughts Ultimate XX AC Cable by Puritan Audio Laboratories Item #: Reviews | Write a Review | |
InnuOS Sense 2.6.0. I am driving to Seattle Today to pick up a PULSE. Makes you wonder if there isn’t an industry wide thing going on. As PS audio just released their mammoth update, and everyone is talking about how the SQ is off the hook. Glad to hear you’re enjoyi... | |
Sharing a subwoofer between a Stereo and HT combination. I kind of live in the same world as you do. Started with a Marantz sr5015, added a MM7025 amplifier for the left and right to improve SQ. That was a good move until I got a INNUOS pulse mini. That was a nice upgrade from the HEOS streaming app on ... | |
DAC upgrade I sure hope you get the same reaction I got when I upgraded my streamer. Hope you don’t have the problem I experienced, where I was so impressed, that I went from a Innuos pulse mini to the pulse. Good on you for starting out on a good product lik... | |
DAC upgrade a wise person on this forum a week or so back said . When it comes to souping up the node. You can put Formula One tires on a Camaro. It’s still doesn’t make it a Ferrari. | |
DAC upgrade Was using Marantz HEOS, I’m assuming similar SQ to node. Purchased an Innuos music player. Truly, was a life-changing purchase. Getting the source right can make all the difference. | |
DAC upgrade I would look at replacing the streamer before I thought about getting a new DAC | |
Tidal FLAC vs. Qobuz I would like to ask, are you more concerned with ease of the application or sound quality? If application is your main concern, then you’re done. No need to have any further discussions. But if sound quality is the main concern, one is going to ha... | |
Tidal FLAC vs. Qobuz @steakster I was just using Google AI. Thanks for any clarification on this subject. | |
Tidal FLAC vs. Qobuz A power conditioner, regulates voltage, reduce noise, and filters out electrical disturbances. it can be electronic or transformer-based. Power conditioners are similar to power strips, but are designed to filter noise and interference. A linear p... | |
Another post about a streamer upgrade @j_andrews you are correct about the unavailability of the Pulse mini. Two weeks ago, I traded mine in for the Pulse. Called up my dealer if he still had it, and he laughed and said yeah, no. sorry about my incredulous assumptions. I went from Ma... | |
Another post about a streamer upgrade I suspect that there should be quite a few used Innuoss pulse mini available Because if you were impressed as I was, you saved up and just got the PULSE and traded in the mini. | |
Tidal FLAC vs. Qobuz a linear power supply (teddy pardo)is different from a audioquest power conditioner. They do two completely different things. Did your dealer, let you take home the rose to demo? I asked this because usually when you go from $1000 product to a $40... |