

Responses from gillatgh

How many pair of speakers do you own?
Five and one half  Pairs(not counting computer types) and that’s 3pairs too many. One pair on loan to family member, One pair in rebuild mode, Two pairs switching places at whim or whenever I’m looking for a different tonal experience.Polk SRS-SDA... 
Request your two cents - BW804, Theil 2.x, or ...
If more low end punch is desired the B&W 803 will satisfy although your budget may be a little shy for these. They do need some power to drive them though. Bass is much better than most other brands. For stereo listening I do not use a sub at ... 
Suggest affordable cable options
I have had really good results using BlueJeans cables (Interconnect and speaker) They are reasonably priced too. Beat my AudioQuest hands down but that may be due to system compatibility. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Its a long way to the top if you wanna.......... 
Vinyl sales
Pulled out mu old LP's for the first time in umptteen years and got to say this. They are warmer than even the most recent CD I ahve in the collection. If you can get by the occasional pops 
Is there (one) song that can start your day and...end your day?
For those about to Rock. I rock to work and I rock after work, Imma Rocker! 
Best recordings to demonstrate soundstage?
For what its worth the Wings/Paul McCartney remastered CD/DVD Rockshow is awesome. I prefer it on DVD but there is nothing wrong with the CD either.